My Utah Trip- adventures in Canyonlands NP

Published: May 12th 2016
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Greetings All

This is a blog from my latest trip to Utah. We spend 8 days hiking, biking and Camping through the national parks.

Canyonlands NP was amazing, incredible views of the canyons with over a kilometer drop off down to the rivers below. It is also home of the Mesa Arch one of the most beautiful and photographed arches in the world.

One of he highlights was the wild camping site that we found at Big Bend down on the banks of the Colorado River. Watching the sun set over they canyons and due to its remoteness the night sky was breathtaking (although I need to work on my star photography). Waking up on the banks of the Colorado river under bright blue skies was a highlight of the trip

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Photos: 25, Displayed: 22


13th May 2016

Amazing photo
This is an amazing photo Ads, it looks incredible.
13th May 2016

Thanks Chel, that one came out well, you dont always needs blue skies for a good shot
13th May 2016

Why not photo of you stood on the big rock...?
It looks incredible, such amazing scenery. How long did it take to hike from the bottom to the top? But how come you didn't stand on the big rock for a photo?
13th May 2016

Erm I have a family
It was pretty sketchy as there is a 1000Ft drop on both sides and you have to jump down onto it. I have 2 kids and a not great with heights, Robbo was bricking it when he jumped back up as one slip and he had a long falllllllllllllll.........splat
15th May 2016

Don't blame you!
Good reasoning Ads. It did look very scary - I really don't want you to go splat!! ;)
18th June 2016
Canyon Rim

best pic?
i love this pic. the light is amazing. Is it all natural or did you develop it ir take it with a filter or something?
18th June 2016
Canyon Rim

Its a HDR photo so you take the same shot at 3 different exposures then stack them ontop of each other
18th June 2016

Comments on this blog
Canyon Rim pic defo my fav. Pic # 3 - Love the little tree in the foreground and the dark clouds in the background. 2nd fav pic. R2,2,4 - freak me out! MG6554 - what? Cool pic with the stars but why does it look like some are moving and some arent? 95 - you look cold. 6421 - stay away from the edge! Did you see any wildlife? Off to the next blog and to charge my computer
18th June 2016

The stars Photo it was a long exposure hence the movement in some of them. Yes it was pretty cold when the sun was not out, there was still some snow patches in the shade. There was not a lot of wildlife about, I wanted to see some rattle snakes but it was still to cold

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