Dive number 2

Oceans and Seas » Indian
May 13th 2012
Published: May 13th 2012
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Still having issues with the diving here. I feel like a complete idiot. It is not very buoyant here….and I am overweighted, so I slammed into a few things….nota good thing to do on a reef. Shit! I have felt bad about it today…I have not adjusted to the diving in Tofo…it is true that the conditions are not easy, though the sea was very friendly today. Sometimes I feel like I have bitten off more than I can chew (so to speak), but I am managing. I cannot heave myself into the zodiac from the water, and I hate that. I can feel the weakness of my left leg pretty keenly at times, it just won’t do what I tell it to do. Tofo is a young town. The 20s and 30s crowd is big here, mostly English or Australian, and they are dressed like the surfers in SoCal. The native people here have a low life expectancy, in the 40s, so you don’t see old people very much.

On a happy note, I swam with a Giant Manta Ray today! So, so beautiful! I also saw my first frogfish. They are absolutely marvelous! Now that I have seen one, maybe I’ll be able to spot one in Cozumel. Saw a loggerhead turtle today, a crocodile fish, tons of seastars of all different colors and sizes, 4 gigantic lionfish swimming around…..a very cool dive if I could figure out how not to overinflate my bcd and could maintain some buoyancy. I am very pissed at myself as I am sure you can tell. I did take my Dramamine today and had no seasickness. After the dive I had a bite to eat at Albatroz, a restaurant just up the hill from the house. They have coke with ice. Ahhhh. I took a nice long walk along the beach, did a bit of yoga, and now I am at the house, very tired. Tomorrow I learn to identify whale sharks on the database, do an ocean safari, and then dive. This coming weekend I am going on a trip to the Bazaruto Archipeligo with some of my house mates. More on that later!

It is Mother’s Day, so I called mom earlier, and Ally has just posted a photo of a cake “Happy Mother’s Day” and loving words on Facebook. I’m a little sad and missing my family today. Her birthday is Tuesday and I will miss it too. L. I am there in spirit with my babies.

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13th May 2012
These jellies are lovely

Wes complains about diving with them, but jellies are one of my favorite fish. They're just so beautiful and graceful looking! Have you ever been to the jellyfish section of the Monterey Bay Aquarium?
14th May 2012

Miss you, Tam. Sounds like you are having a great time!

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