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February 24th 2011
Published: February 24th 2011
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Monday (21/02/2011)

The week began with a bang; I read E. A. Poe in the morning and thereafter took full benefit of the 1 Euro sale going on at the C1000. It was pretty much an admin day. I went into Eindhoven to buy a neat shirt and plenty of black socks. It is so tempting to walk into every store an take advantage of the thousands of sales going on everywhere; one big ‘upper’ due to the recession. I did buy myself a computer game that was on hectic special. It’s probably because o-one knows it anymore due to it being more than 2 years old, but it’s bloody new-age to me. I did this as I just can’t take the TV volume O&O listen to after supper. Although the programs are interesting and it’s not boring viewing, I find myself squinting as if the TV is going to attack me at any moment.

Tuesday (22/02/2011)

I did some more shopping in Eindhoven, on the search for a second pair of neat black pants and another shirt. I also had my interview with the Café/ Restaurant/ Bar De Vooruitgang at noon. As if going for a job interview isn’t intimidating enough, I had to do one in Dutch with the two managers quizzing me at the same time. My word. I was spot-on though with the first question as they asked me to describe the restaurant as I saw it. It fitted pretty much exactly with their ideal and the interview got off to a good start. I even got a chance to ask them some questions and I felt it went pretty well. I do have to chop my hair even shorter though and Wednesday morning was spent in the hairdressing chair.

I’m starting in 2 weeks time just before the summer-season goes off with a bang. I’ll most probably start off as a runner, but I’m just happy at the prospect of a fixed job. They seemed pretty keen to have me as an addition to the team. I asked how well the other South African guy works, but they just laughed and advised me not to model myself on his performance. Doos; there’s goes the South African rep! haha

I then once again had to venture out into the shops to buy dark jeans. I’m getting pretty over all the shopping, but my first pay this weekend is a big one and will cover all my expenses so far. I had fun cycling on the way home pulling faces to all the kids still stuck in the schools I ride past. I also slipped into typical-tourist mode and tried to break the ice in a river with rocks. Playing the tourist card is still a firm favourite.

Wednesday (23/02/2011)

O&O and I went to Valkenswaard for the morning as Opa had to replenish his wine stock. I had also asked Opa the previous day whether he could show me around the IVN – the Conservation Organisation within the district ( All work done is without pay as a volunteer ad he has been a member for more than 20 years. The ‘scouts’ have a room upstairs and downstairs is a whole activity centre for young school kids to come on an outing.

Thursday (24/02/2011)

Football day; that is all – and writing my blog…aaaalll day long. Have finally caught up and hope it’s good reading. 

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25th April 2011

awe.those photo's are pretty rad!

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