Election Night Fever

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November 5th 2008
Published: November 5th 2008
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I’ve spent my first night in Seattle in a bar watching the election results come in. All the bars were full of Obama supporters screaming, cheering and applauding every result that came in the democrats favour. When the California result was called (only 10 minutes after the polls closed) the place erupted, there was singing and chanting and the bar owner pored everyone a glass of champagne. The atmosphere was pretty electric.

After Obama made his victory speech a samba band came into the bar and gave 10 minutes of drumming and the bar emptied to follow a street procession down to the market square 1 mile down the road followed by half a dozen police cars. The party conveniently stopped directly outside the hostel. And with screams of “yes we can” I left the party. As I’m writing this another group has came from another direction complete with a brass band. This might just be one of the most memorable nights of my life.

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5th November 2008

I think feeling the buzz must have been amazing....very cool!

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