Impressive Punta del Diablo, Uruguay

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South America » Uruguay » East » Punta del Diablo
April 19th 2009
Published: May 27th 2009
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What an interesting find. Punta del Diablo is this neat little beach town and we were grateful that we had arrived after the high season. We loved the empty beaches and quiet atmosphere (especially after our paradise in Cabo Polonio). It is a town of approximately 500 people, but during the high season sees over 20,000 per day! Luckily for us, on the day we arrived at the El Diablo Tranquilo, it was the least amount of people they had had all year!

We spent our time there mingling with other travelers and enjoy the serene little village. We met up with a new traveler from Ireland (Scully) and a former travel partner (Pete) from London, as well as a dozen or so people that were alot of fun!

But what we were most impressed by was the history of the El Diablo Tranquilo Hostel and restaurant that was started by a 22 year old college graduate from the US. Now there are a large handful of us that have extensive business backgrounds from various parts of the world, but the massive effort put forth by this traveler and entrepreneur to build such a large enterprise... ground up I might add, was so impressive!! We stayed there for 3 nights and continued to notice the details that the owner and girlfriend included in the construction (both who are now 26 and 24... talk about young entreprenuers). Both John and I had conversations with them and continued to be impressed with their maturity and ability to manage a large staff of both locals and misc. travelers stopping through to work and save money. The hostel had around 60+ beds, an excellent common room situated in front of massive windows and fire place, AND daily activities for various personalities. About 3 blocks from the hostel was the El Diablo Tranquilo Restaurant... beach side. We were very impressed with not only the decor (so well done), but the food in our opinion was comparative to a $50 seafood plate in Washington, D.C. The hostel owners had a nice scrapbook in the common room outlining their experiences, trials and successes during the project. Not only did they have to overcome the gringo barriers and age gap (something they will always struggle with), but they had to win the support of the community, learn Uruguian law AND over come business bueracracies. They continue to deal with daily business issues and those people who do not want to see them succeed, but they get a huge applause from us.

There was also no television in the hostel so the atmosphere was perfect for meeting other travelers and having a good time. One night we had a grand time playing guitars, harmonicas and singing til who knows what time! All who were present participated!! Many first time harmonica players. 😉

Additional photos below
Photos: 13, Displayed: 13


25th June 2009

That couple who own the hostel seem amazing! Some people are so adventurous. I will be in Punta del Diablo next November, so hopefully I will get to see the hostel for myself. :)
9th July 2009

Shame that they destroy the all peace and silence of the place changing the sound of the ocean for the screams of alcoholic yankees tourist.... Shame
4th September 2009

A heartfelt thank you
I'm Brian, owner of El Diablo Tranquilo. I would simply like to extend my thanks to you and all of those who have been so kind to us since this project began. During a personal down time faced with bureaucratic road blocks, a slower than hoped for low season, a break down of the truck we depend on, and all the loneliness of trading home and friends for a dream; my brother reminded me to read this post again to remind myself while it's all worth it. Blogs such as these play such a huge role in allowing us to succeed and perhaps a bigger one helping display what we are about and hopefully draw those people who will get the most enjoyment out of it. After all, that's the best part about working in the service industry, the 'business' is straight forward - you know you are doing a good job only when people are smiling, if nobody is sharing good times and stories with friends, we go under pretty quick. Thanks to all of you guys who have had fun and made it fun for us, there's no shame in that.

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