Lazy days in Paracas

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South America » Peru
January 17th 2009
Published: January 17th 2009
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chrissy and i are in paracas today (took a 4 hr bus from lima this morning and arrived around 11). The sights driving from MiraFlores to paracas was quite surprising and a little disturbing. It is amazing that people can survive and live their lives out of these houses. No front doors, built out of scrap lumber piled on top of each other. This completely blows WV rural right out the window.

Paracas is a quaint and tiny town on the ocean...slightly rural but very pretty with tons of palm trees and beach. The water is a little cool but refreshing. Its not super hot (mid 70s) but no matter how much sunscreen i put on i still get burnt! Today was a lazy day spent napping on the beach and listening to local music in different seaside restaurants. We both keep pinching ourselves and talking about how we cant believe we are actually doing this. We were talking about playing another game of chess... and we lauged saying¨hey, how about another game in a month.. since time is of no concern. We just stopped at the local market and bought food for lunch (tomorrow) and dinner (tonight) for a grand total of $6! Also, we´re using our purifer and drinking the local water with no side effects..YET! We are planning on spending a quite evening lounging around and much of the same tomorrow. We leave tomorrow evening for a town called ica it is about an hour south of here and a little inland. It promises dune buggies and sand surfing... talk to you then!


17th January 2009

It sounds awesome...I'm happy for you guys and a little jealous. The high in Mo-town today was 10 and I worked a fifty hour week, so it is hard to read this blog without thinking how much I wish I was the one on the adventure. Have fun!
17th January 2009

We hope you are having a great time! We are glad you made it there safe.
17th January 2009

What's Up!!
Hey...glad you made it safe and sounds like all is going well! I hope your travels are amazing and you enjoy yourself. Enjoyed the pics and look forward to seeing more!
18th January 2009

Water purifer??
So where did you end up finding your water purifier?
18th January 2009

Do the Dune
I want some action pics of you guys on the dune buggies!! It is snowing here in WV pretty hard. I am looking out the window at about 6 inches of snow and wishing that Amanda and I were tagging along with you guys. Amanda and Gibson say hello. Looking forward to your next entry. Stay safe guys and keep the entries and pics coming!

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