Blogs from Colca Canyon, Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 2


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon October 14th 2015

Arequipa is Perus 2nd city & is also the most common base for starting treks or tours to the Colca canyon / valley. The city is around 2000m & although I wasn't affected the Dutch group I was travelling with did feel the altitude a bit! How I got there: Still travelling by Peru hop we arrived at 5:30am after our visit to Nazca. As usual we got dropped at the hostel. Where I stayed: Flying dog hostel dorm was S/.25. 1st dorm had shower in the room 2nd had a shared shower. They ran out of hot water the 2nd time I had a shower but the 1st time it was hot. Wifi was ok, didn't work so well on 2nd floor in dorms but fine downstairs in courtyard. Beds comfy & had lockers for ... read more
2015-10-11 16.11.52
2015-10-12 12.50.28
2015-10-12 14.41.50

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 20th 2015

The alarm went off at 2.15 am and we dragged ourselves out of bed, by 2.33am we were on the bus to Colca Canyon. After 3 hours we arrived in Chivay for breakfast. From there we stoppped at several small villages and saw local ladies and little children marching around the village square and got asked many times if we wanted to take photos of the children in their brightly coloured costumes. By 11am we were at Colca Canyon itself, the canyon was vast. We had just 40 minutes to spend here so rushed down to the best vantage point to see the condors. After a short wait we saw several huge condors cruising around in the sky getting closer and closer to us. All too soon it was time to leave, we stopped at some ... read more
Snowy mountains on the way to Colca Canyon
Small village on the way to Colca Canyon
Traditional costume

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon April 24th 2015

After seeing the floating islands, we left Puno the same day we arrived. There was not much else to do there and we wanted to spend some time near Arequipa before we had to be in Cusco for the Inca Trail. Arequipa is quite a nice town, with a beautiful main square (often called Plaza de Armas in South American cities). Most sights in the city itself are museums and churches and you get some views of the surrounding volcanoes. Arequipa is at a relatively “low” altitude of 2400m. For most backpackers, including ourselves, Arequipa is not a place to spend much time, but as a transit point to Colca Canyon. Though some people and guidebooks make comparisons to the Grand Canyon, we found it to be quite different and beautiful in its own way. We ... read more
Condor about to land
What a view!
Flower fields

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon April 23rd 2015

After exploring Lake Titicaca we decided to make our way by bus into Peru and the city of Arequipa where we were pleasantly surprised by this elegant, yet modern town. With El Misti, a 5,700m dormant volcano poised directly above the city it certainly takes on a mystical feel. After a couple of days relaxing and enjoying the cuisine we proceeded north to go trekking in the Colca Canyon or the "Valley of Marvels" by the Peruvian author Mario Vargas Llosa. This canyon, which is nearly twice the size of Arizona's Grand Canyon and the world's deepest at more than 4km from cliff edge to river bottom held us captive with impressive views and vistas. The huge canyon is home to traditional Indian villages and settlements and our goal was to visit some of these and ... read more
Hiking Trail over looking the canyon
Waterfall in the distance
Rickety, old bridge

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon November 13th 2014

Wednesday morning and it was time to leave Arequipa for a couple of days. We were picked up by a minivan and headed north towards Chivay. It took a bit of time to leave Arequipa because of the traffic, but it wasn’t as bad as the night we had arrived. As soon as we left the city, the road started climbing. Our first stop was on the side of the road where we saw some vicunas. Like llamas and alpacas, vicunas are a South American camel. There is a fourth type, the guanacos, but they are harder to see in the wild - vicunas and guanacos aren’t domesticated. The vicunas were peacefully eating away, and we stopped for a couple of minutes to take some photos. Then we continued climbing. The next stop was a roadside ... read more
Here I am at 4,910m above sea level
A closer look at the smoking volcano

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 30th 2014

der morgen beginnt früh und etwas anders als erwartet: eine unserer mitreisenden leidet unter atemnot. gemeinsam mit einer deutschen internistin folgt nach der ersten verdachtsdiagnose asthma-anfall die wahrscheinlichere lösung höhenkrankheit! nach diamox und abstieg am nachmittag verebben jegliche symptome und die diagnose bestätigt sich. witzig, dass ich auf unserer reise quasi auch eine kleine schulung in bezug auf altitude sickness mache :-) unser erster stop ist ein traumhaft idyllischer view point über dem erschreckend engen, steilen colca tal. schroff fällt das bröckelige gestein bis zum rio colca, gut 3.000m unter uns, ab. die kliffkanten in grau, mit vereinzelt roten verfärbungen, werden hier von kakteen, bäumen und imposanten agaven bewachsen. rechts und links des rio colca erheben sich kleine dörfer an großflächig ausgebauten terassen. in harmonisch ineinander fließenden grün... read more
adult condor
die weitsicht

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon June 29th 2014

gestern hatten wir ja nur zwei stunden schlaf vor dem wahnsinns-aufstieg… heute haben wir geschlafen, wie die babies :-) mit unserer super-exklusiven tour geht es heute ins colca valley, dem zweittiefsten canyon der welt! die fahrt führt uns nochmals vorbei an chachani und misti. trocken erstreckt sich das steppengras über das hochplateau. vicuñas, sogar guanacos, lamas, esel und schafe begegnen uns genauso wie der anden-hase mit langer blume und kleine gelbe “spatzen”. gestern, im gebiet des chachani, ist uns lediglich ein einziger spatz begegnet. komisch, dass nur ein paar kilometer weiter die tierwelt wieder so fantastisch reichhaltig ist! in der ferne raucht sabancaya, ein aktiver vulkan, kleine kringel in die sonst makellose weitsicht. rechts davon steht der 6.265m hohe nevado ampato, auf dem die eisprinzessin juanita gefunden wurde, links protzt nevado hualca hualca. unsere grupp... read more
lava sand türmchen
lava valley

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon April 4th 2014

Day 45 - 46 Today we temporally leave Arequipa & move further into the highlands for an overnight stay at Chivay which is the gateway to the Colca Canyon before returning to Arequipa. The main reason to visit Colca Canyon is not only the amazing scenery but to hopefully see the magnificent Andean condor, the world's largest flying bird, flying over the canyon. We travelled by minivan to Chivay (approx 5 hrs) stoping several times along the way to see llamas, alpacas ( both herded for wool & meat) and vicuñas (roam wild). One rest stop we were able to try some coca tea which is supposedly good for altitude sickness. Another stop was at Patapampa (the highest place on our tour at 4900 m above sea level) which was an assent of 2600 m from ... read more
Gerry at Colca Canyon
View of Mt Misty

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon January 24th 2014

Colca Canyon og de fantastiske Condor ørne - verdens største ørn med et vingefang på over 3 meter. Colca Canyon er verdens dybeste Canyon og et af de eneste levesteder for den mægtige Condor. Vejen til Colca Canyon gik over et meget højt punkt, 4910 meters højde med sne og kulde - Vi kom forbi et sted hvor det er tradition for at bygge en stenvarde med ønsker til dem du elsker- Stenvarden på et af billederne er til vores børn - en sten til dem hver! Første by i Canyon var Corporaque med Hot spring (skønt) Så kom til til udsigtspunktet Croz de Condor - hvor den enorme Canyon virkelig åbnede sig for os - smukt og enormt. Næste by var Cabanaconde som også var vores destination for hiking ned i kløften mod den skønne ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Colca Canyon July 10th 2013

Arriving in Arequipa just as the sun rose on a Monday morning, we got a cab to our hostel and after waking up the owners, we luckily had our room available where we could have a hot shower and pass out for the rest of the morning. As you don't sleep much on the long bus rides here, it feels like mild jetlag the day you arrive somewhere and inevitably means that a good part of the day is lost. Stumbling out of the hostel sometime after lunch we were greeted by a bustling city, heavily influenced by Spanish Architecture with a lot of the main monuments being made out of the white basalt rock that was mined from the 3 huge Volcanoes that tower over the city nearly 4000m above us. At 6057m Chachani is ... read more
View over Arequipa to the Pikchu Pikchu Range
Condor at Cruz del Condor
Juvenile Condor at Cruz del Condor

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