Train Spotter Heaven and a bit of Salt - Uyuni Revisted

Published: February 3rd 2007
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We were lucky enough to have time to go back to Uyuni, our first visit being more than we bargained for 6 years ago but that story is for another time.

After another long journey from Potosi it was a good feeling to be back somewhere we knew. On first appearences it had not changed a bit. By complete chance we ended up in the hostel that rescued us last time and it was exactly the same - just as cold as well.

We had hooked up with an English guy who was going to book a different trip to ours - he was so indecisive I couldn't work out how he had got so far away from home by himself!

We just wanted to do a day trip back out to the Salt Pans and also the train cemetary (as we missed that last time) because they are so spectacular! Our jeep eventually arrived with a couple we had met a few days ago and also a Chilean couple. The driver had his wife and baby with him so it was quite a full car.

Everything was the same as before apart from the massive increase in tourists. When we were last here we were the only jeep on Fish Island, this time there were 50+ and that was a quiet day apparently.

The numbers didn't really make a difference as the salt pans are so large there is plenty of space for everyone. We did he usual tour to the salt hotel, fish island and then spent a good couple of hours doing funny photos with the help of our driver! The finale was seeing a flock of flamingoes fly over us and away into the sunset - magic.

We had an evening in a cold restaurant then ventured back to our freezing room. The blankets were so thick and heavy it was like sleeping under a slab of conrete.

The next day we bumped into Graham and Lynny (we knew they were there but had not arranged to meet yet) and had a good breakfast before walking out to the train cemetary. This is a surreal place. There are still railways running in Bolivia but not many. Just outside of town is a huge collection of trains and carriages that have just been dumped there and left to rust. Any good train fanatic would love it and I think a large proprtion are British made! We spent a few hours just wandering around soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying the sun.

Our last evening in Uyuni was spent in our own private cinema with Graham and Lynny. We watched a strange film but had fun anyway. An early night was in order as the next day was the dreaded journey to Chile and our bus was due to leave at 4 in the morning!

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crunchy on the outside!

20th June 2013

Reading some of your older blogs today
Great stuff!

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