Blogs from Iguazú National Park, Misiones, Argentina, South America - page 51


South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park January 26th 2005

Who would have thought it could get any better? From the Argentian Side (and did my first border cross today!) saw even bigger falls, and rode through them, around them, underneath them on a speedboat! We took front seat and yelled for more, to the dismay of the poor elderly American couple wearing rain coats, with the bizaare preconception that they would not be getting ¨this¨ wet! Utterly amazing.. We set off for a compulsory part of our package, the bird park.. But this was so much more than a bird park! We walked in and amongst the biggest parrots I have ever seen, elegant flamingos and cute toucans! Managed to practice my Spanish on a giggling parrot, and could have spent hours in a butterfly house with humming birds.. Have managed to control my urge ... read more
toucan II
toucan III
Dan and toucan

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park January 20th 2005

Ten of us took a wonderful trip to Iguassu Falls and the Argentina rain forest with a fascinating stay at Yacutinga Lodge. I arranged the trip with Adventure Life Vacations. We had wonderful guides on the trip who enhanced our visit with their history and nature knowledge of the area. We stayed at the Sheraton Iguassu that was adjacent to the Argentina side of the falls, where most of the falls are located. The hotel was comfortable and had a couple of nice restaurants. We also enjoyed the outdoor patio that provided a view of the falls. We spent one day hiking to all of the falls area, and then took the short boat ride across to Devil's Island, which allowed an up close view of the falls. We spent another day taking the jet boat ... read more
Iguassu Falls
Iguassu Falls

Truly a natural wonder of the world, I know of no falls more beautiful or impressive than those at Iguazú - read on and take a look at the pictures. aaaaah...paradise We flew from Cordoba to Iguazu and really struck gold from the moment we stepped off the plane. Iguazu has turned out to be pretty much our idea of paradise, great location, great hostel (with an amazing pool) and gorgeous weather. We set off to the park the morning after we arrived bright and early, we were able to catch a bus right outside the hostel. The entrance to the park has something of a theme park feel to it but in the least tacky way possible. They make walking through jungle easy and provide walkways right out to the falls but none of it ... read more
Sarah with Salto San Martin in the background
Salto Bernabé Mendez and a bit of Mbigua
The 2nd Biggie - San Martin

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park October 20th 2003

It's not easy getting to Ushuaia, dear reader, which is the southernmost city in the world. Particularly when you travel overland on the bus from Santiago in Chile, now that's some commute! But the journal continues, and I'm glad to have made it. The city itself is spectacular as you stroll around the beautifully paved streets, while surrounded by a backdrop of snow capped mountains. The sights include taking in the gorgeous harbour which serves as the starting point for cruise ships setting sail for the final frontier of Antarctica. Ushuaia is without a doubt a unique travel destination and you can't help smiling as you walk around the city, because on this beautiful planet of ours this is truly the end of the road. It's just not possible to travel any further south and still ... read more
Downtown street, Ushuaia
Overview of Iguazu Falls
The Lake at Bariloche

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park September 18th 2003

Puerto Iguazú forms a natural balcony that looks to Brazil over the inferior Iguazu and the Paraguay rivers through the Alto Paraná. From the city you can take different excursions and visits to the Iguazú National Park and the Iguazu Falls which are considered being one of the Seven Wonders of the World due to their natural magnificence and their wonderful vegetation, astounding those who have the possibility of getting in contact with them. There is nothing to be compared with Cataratas del Iguazú (Iguazú Falls) because they are incredible. They have 250 spectacular falls that weigh 70 meters and they are connected to the Iguazú River which originates 1300 meters above the sea level and flows into the Paraná River only to 90 meters. My advice is to explore the place by you. We took ... read more

South America » Argentina » Misiones » Iguazú National Park October 17th 2002

17 DE OCTUBRE DE 2002 No encuentro mejor metáfora, una explicación más contundente y hermosa que ésta, sobre la relación entre el agua y la vida. A diez mil metros de altura, el Sahara se aprecia feroz y abrupto, graves gargantas de corrientes desaparecidas que bajan hacia ningún lado, vacío de vida, sepultura de hombres y animales perdidos. Ahí, en medio de la muerte, aparece el Nilo, largo, serpenteante, y siempre bordeado por ese hermoso acompañante verde que a veces lo sigue a ambos costados, otras (las más) por el izquierdo, y otras por el derecho. Se estrecha irregularmente, o se ensancha hasta multiplicar por quince o veinte el alcance vital del río. Por milenios, en el verano, el Nilo inundó las márgenes bajas de su cuenca llenándolas de limo, el riquísimo alimento que traía desde ... read more
La maravilla del Nilo
El Nilo en su contexto

Here I am in the main street of Buenos Aries. We had a massive thunderstorm last night and it is still raining.It is still warm though so we are wandering around in T -shirts and shorts in the rain! The last few days were spent in Foz De Iguassu,on the Brazilian -Arentina border. The youth hostel was one of the best I have ever stayed in. It was out of town in the country side,and part of a campsite so had beautiful landscaped gardens and a swimming bar with a bar playing Samba music -very tropical. We spent two days exploring Iguassu Falls. On the first day we did the Brazilian side. We arrived on the bus to be greeted by little strange little chipmonk-like creatures with ringed tails.They were almost attracting more attention from tourists ... read more
Iguassu Falls
Iguassu Falls
Iguassu Falls

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