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Dubai - Hustle and Bustle in the Middle East 01

Sunset in Dubai
Dubai - Hustle and Bustle in the Middle East

October 24th 2007
Exiting the arrivals hall of Dubai International Airport, Angela and I jumped in a taxi, wondering what the United Arab Emirates would have to offer. Our short one-hour flight from Qatar had been initially interesting. Apart from being the only Westerner’s aboard, we noticed something else too. It was the amount of empty seats even though all passengers had boarded. But not everyone had boarde ... read more
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3rd March 2012

Thank you sharing your photos!
I always wanted to travel, visit all the magical places I've heard and read about. Well, it didn't quite work out the way I thought... Still, I don't mind. Because of people like you, I still get to look at some of the most beautiful places found all over the world. I Enjoy tremendously admiring the beautiful landscapes/scenery shown here - it's almost like being there. So thank you so much for sharing your travels, and photos, with people like me. Sincerely, Penny
3rd March 2012

Thanks for the lovely comment. It's always nice to read that someone has enjoyed one of my stories. And who knows, one day you might just get to go somewhere you've dreamed about...

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