Blogs from Pacific, Oceans and Seas - page 2


Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 26th 2019

Hello. We have continued to have our little colds. It isn’t much of a problem except at night when we have some difficulty getting to sleep. After that we are fine again until the next night. So this morning we were a little tired but that was also due to the loss of our last hour before docking in Los Angeles. We went down to the dining room this morning and discovered they had changed the plan which has been consistently in place since we first sailed. No breakfast but instead brunch from late morning to early afternoon. We had other plans and were disappointed. We had other plans for the morning so we went to the buffet instead. At dinner we expressed our disappointment and were told how sorry they were for how they handled ... read more
Back in the dressing room

Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 25th 2019

Hello from the Pacific Ocean. This has been another restful and reasonably quiet day at sea. We have actually had terrific weather thus far on the trip, but today has turned cooler. It probably did not get into the 80’s today and with a breeze across the deck of almost 40 knots (20 from the ship’s speed and 20 from the true headwind). For that reason there were practically no people in the pools today and only a few folks in the hot tubs. Around the outside decks there were still some people using the deck chairs, but generally bundled up in several layers of pool towels to keep themselves warm. There certainly were very few people truly sun bathing, even wearing their swimming suits. We got up this morning after a fairly good night’s sleep. ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 24th 2019

This is a two-day report. We continue to have multiple sea days to get back to the USA from Bora Bora – it simply is a long way to sail. By the time we get back we will have had our longest number of continuous sea days of any cruise we’ve ever taken. So on Monday evening we actually reached the midpoint on our voyage back to Los Angeles. We lost an hour Sunday night so Monday morning was extra early. We both continued to have coughs on Sunday night so we were fairly tired when the alarm when off in the morning. But we got up and went to the dining room for the sit-down breakfast. Once again Janet was able to get Eggs Benedict – she is certain that Princess makes the very best ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 21st 2019

Today we continue on our steady NNE heading at around 19 knots. We are approaching the Equator but are not scheduled to cross until tomorrow about Noon. The Captain said he would announce it beforehand so nobody would fall down from the bump in the water. In the meantime, it continued to be smooth sailing and very warm since leaving Bora Bora. It’s pretty nice! Today the temp only got up to 88. We got a nice note from Stephanie yesterday. CONGRATULATIONS to Alex for finishing 4th in a Technology Student Association in the AutoCAD competition and for his team finishing 2nd in Technological Design competition. Next they go to the National Competition! Also CONGRATULATIONS to Abigail for her school choir being invited to sing the National Anthem at the Springfield Redbirds ball game. We also ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 20th 2019

Today is the first day of our return cruise back to the US from the South Pacific. There will actually be 8 sea days before we get home, so this is going to be our longest continuous time of cruising the ocean. We enjoy the relaxed attitude of cruising and will have to wait and see if the 8thday can still be fun, but we are optimistic. We slept until 8:00 today and then got up and headed to the Horizon Court for breakfast. Then Janet went straight to the Knitting Meeting and spent the rest of the morning have a relaxing time with her friends. David delivered some paperwork to Passenger Services which will eventually get us slotted to leave the ship. Then he did some reading on the Balcony and finally took a little ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 16th 2019

Today is Tessa’s Birthday! Happy Birthday #11!! We hope you had a very good day and maybe your classmates even sang to you. Anyway, we are thinking about you on your special day. We got some good news from Valerie. Yes, the electricity had gone out for a while but it was working again by this morning. We will have to reset most of the clocks when we get home, but everything is working properly. We usually get dead branches falling from the trees during windy days, so that appears to have been the case too, but there were no reports of any significant damage. YEAH. Back here on the ship they seem to be having more people with Janet’s intestinal distress so the ship has gone into a massive cleaning/disinfecting project. They are following the ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 15th 2019

Happy Anniversary to Mike & Elizabeth! Happy #7 – we hope you had a good day! Today was a restful sea day. The temperature on the TV at noon said 86 degrees and it was very sunny all day. We have only had a couple of small rain showers ever since we left Los Angeles, and they were both while we were somewhere at sea. We have traveled more than 5000 miles so far and were currently at 164W and 15S while heading ESE. The depth under the keel is about 5000 meters, which is pretty deep. That completes the noon report. We slept in today since there were no shore excursions and then we went to the dining room for breakfast. We sat with some military veterans and exchanged stories about things we had gone ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 12th 2019

Hello from the South Pacific. It was another beautiful but hot day on the ocean. The seas have been so smooth that Janet has not needed her seasickness patch since before we arrived in Hawaii. Today we did actually get s brief rain shower while we were eating breakfast in the Horizon Court, but that didn’t last long and it was sunny and hot all day. After breakfast Janet went to the Knitters Meeting and David spent the morning relaxing and reading until about 10:30. The official ceremony to get King Neptune’s blessing for crossing the Equator started at Noon, so David went up to stake out a location on the rail about 10:30. The shady places were already gone but he did get a chair so he didn’t have to stand all morning. However David ... read more
First Polliwog getting Slimed
More Slime on the Polliwogs
Officers into the Pool

Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 11th 2019

Today is a really unique day. You are probably wondering what happened to Wednesday’s entry in the blog. Well that just didn’t happen to us. We crossed the International Dateline and woke up this morning 24 hours later on Thursday morning instead of Wednesday. Because of the weird adjustment of the dateline, we were still around 166 degrees of west longitude this morning instead of 180. Today is doubly unique because it is a special anniversary date for us – bet you can’t guess which one! It is our 200th day cruising on Princess Cruise Lines. That doesn’t win us anything special at the buffet, but it is interesting to note. We have had 28 days on other cruise lines too, but somehow the 228th day just doesn’t sound quite so special. Anyway, we went up ... read more

Oceans and Seas » Pacific April 10th 2019

This morning we got up at 7:30 after having an extra hour of sleep. We went to the dining room for breakfast. Janet got the Eggs Benedict that she likes so much and David had an omelet with a side of banana nut pancakes. It was a little slower than usual but we were sitting with several other interesting couples. One of the couples has taken this particular cruise 4 times before – we have heard it is a popular “repeater cruise". About 9:15 Janet went to do knitting in the Stargazer Lounge and David went around the ship to take a couple of pictures. Then he settled down in one of the lounges and read his book until 11:15. At that time the port lecturer gave an explanation of our next port – Western Samoa. ... read more
Pool at Stern of Ship
Chess Anyone
Children's Lounge 8-12

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