The Voyages of Nereid

Published: July 10th 2012
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Nereid ready for departure, St. Katherine Docks, London. 1st July 2012
On the 1st of July we left St. Katherine Docks, descending the lock under a blackening sky, and leaving Tower Bridge and its giant Olympic Rings to recede. Friends had braved the chill breeze in shorts and jumpers to help us with the lines, their sunglasses an optimistic sham. We had exchanged hopes of a reunion in Falmouth in a few weeks time, but it is hard to keep to a definite plan at sea, so perhaps those were our last goodbyes. We left them there, those marvellous and kindly people of the sea, with their own ambitions, their own plans, two years after arriving.

Despite our long preparations - the courses and exams, the fixing and repairing, the search for the boat in the first place, the endless ordering and collecting of things, the practice voyages with friends, and the huge pile of paperwork necessary for what the authorities say is a small ship - this was the first day’s sailing with just the two of us on board: Richard at the wheel, and Alice the first and only mate. We revelled in a brief spot of sunshine by Surrey Quays, but at the Millenium Dome it rained and
Skipper and First MateSkipper and First MateSkipper and First Mate

Waiting in the lock, St. Katherine's. 1st July 2012
we set aside our excitement at being alone. There was no hurry. After all, this was a false beginning, a quick dash to deliver the boat to Chatham for repairs, with the thought of returning to work in the morning never far away.

The great Thames was quiet, with only the clippers and a couple of far off small boats crackling the radio. The steel fins of the barrier slipped past. At Gravesend we began the alternate east and north-east legs which would take us to the sea. Unfurling the sails on the wide bend at Margaret Ness, we accelerated in the gusty force 4 which would chase us all the way to Kent. Out in the estuary we sneaked inside the buoys to cut close to the sand and the seals basking. They don’t seem to be bothered by boats. One swam at leisure along the shore, a pup lounged, and another seemed to cock its tail at us. Then the gusts became a howl and we hauled in the sails. Under motor and sunshine we ascended the Medway, dodging twenty cruisers from Rochester returning from a Sunday jaunt. The lock at Chatham was narrow, deep and foaming; the berth was awkward. We had made it through our first day.

Now the peagreenboat is up on sticks, and our man Duncan is busy fixing. There is nothing to do but pursue the last of the logistics and wait. On the 25th all being well, we go out to sea.


14th August 2012

Hello salty seadogs!!
I have been reading your exploits of the high seas it sounds like you have been having a very exciting time!! :O) The weather has thrown most things at you but admirably managed by the sound of it - thank goodness for reefs!!!:O) The weather has been pretty pants here but Im sure you know that - more rain than you can poke a stick at (well in bristol anyway!) but the Olympics have been amazing - just enough time to recover before the para-olympics start. I wanted to catch up with you Richard re our very sketchy plan for me to join you possibly this coming weekend down in the South West. Im guessing due to the changes in plans (inevitable with the weather :O) - you are going to be staying down Sth East coast?? Also as mentioned in my last email I have been signed off for the last 2 weeks with a trapped nerve in my back, which is definately on the mend but I am at this point going to profusely apologise but I dont think it would be wise for me to get on a boat with a healing back! :O) Im sure you will undestand why - I feel really bad and have been hanging on in the hope it would be fine but quite franlkly I was deluding myself! :O) I hope I havent let you down too badly on the crewing front but it sounds like you have things well under control :O) I hope you have a fabulous rest of your trip and look forward to catching up on your return to hear if you have decided to stat planning your round the world trip!!I think you should!! :O) Speak soon. Sal

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