Day 7 Canyon Lands NP

Published: May 16th 2013
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Day 7 began early with Maggie waking Mike up so she could walk him. She knows he needs to get up NLT make sure he gets his walk. Maggie is so good about managing Mike's time she even managed to get him to brush her. After that we set up the grill to cook bacon, eggs, and blueberry pancakes, yum! After we cleaned up our breakfast dishes it was off to Canyonlands NP, Mike listened to MiHyon this time and we left Maggie in the rig for a nap.

Canyonlands is amazing! The views far exceeded all our expectations and can't be described in words or pictures...although we still took over 300 pictures just to record our memories. Lucky for us, it was much cooler today, about 84 in Canyonlands and 92 in Moab. After Canyonlands we moved on to Dead Horse State Park...another of this country's great parks. It is much smaller then Canyonlands or Arches, but the view of the Colorado river was breath taking. Mike is not too comfortable w/ heights, but we still managed to get right up to the edge of the cliff for pictures. These cliffs had a 6080 foot drop. I think the pictures we took look more like they were taken from an airplane than standing on firm ground. We left rig this morning at around 1130 and didn't return to the Camp Boss until almost 1700 and that is all for today's travels.

After a few minutes in the rig we headed out to gas up the car and buy more water, we've been through 48 bottles already! It's dry here! We both been pumping the water in to make sure we don't get dehydrated. What a day and what a week! We've logged about 2200 miles on the RV and hit 7 states. Tomorrow 8AM we head to Zion NP, about a short 320 miles.

Additional photos below
Photos: 33, Displayed: 23


18th May 2013
Day 7 Canyon Lands 011

canyon lands
Wow! You guys are seeing some amazing places. Canyonlands are very beautiful.
31st May 2013
Day 7 Canyon Lands 088

great picture
This is such a lovely picture of you two. Can you print me one for a frame? :) I love you mom and dad :)
31st May 2013
Day 7 Canyon lands 2 034

This is so adorable! Maggie looks exhausted from all of the adventures! :)

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