Way Out West

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North America » United States » Utah » Arches National Park
September 7th 2019
Published: September 18th 2019
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Today was mostly a driving day to get us from Utah to Wyoming for our two planned fishing trips. We started the day at Arches National Park

Arches has a variety of Rick archways as well as unusual rock formations, with most of them having names. Some if the names were Balanced Rock, Double Window, and Delicate Arch. If you’ve ever seen a Utah license plate with the red arch, it is Delicate Arch.

You can drive through the park or stop and hike. We mostly drove but I wanted a good picture of Delicate Arch so I hiked a little more than a half mile to get my picture. You might think that a half mile or more is nothing. That’s what I thought! I’m here to tell you it was tough. It started out easy enough but it went straight up hill, plus it was hot!! It took me a while and I’ve included pictures of the path. I’m glad I did it though!!

The remainder of the day was spent driving on state roads through Utah, Colorado, and Wyoming. One road had signs for road work....no problem. BUT there was no road!!! Only gravel for about 5-7 miles. Just as we started on that gravel road a big truck was passing us going south and threw a rick!!! Of course it made a huge crack in the windshield.

Several times as we have been driving these non interstate roads we’ve talked about the lack of cell coverage and distance between homes and businesses. What would we do if we ever had car trouble?? Well we found out!! As I was driving we met a vehicle on the road. I noticed something large fly off and though I swerved to miss the object it flew right into the wheel and punctured the tire. I could feel the tire go flat. Thankfully we could get clear off the road. Of course we had to completely unload the car. But thankfully we were able to change the tire. After many people drive on by, one Wyoming couple stopped to help us finish changing the tire. We were 50 miles from the nearest gas station but we made it, checked the air in the tires and away we went.

Casper, Wyoming is our stop for the night. We will also have to replace a tire and rim.
Arches National ParkArches National ParkArches National Park

Balancing Rock
The rest of the damage was cosmetic and we will wait till we get home to get it fixed. We are all grateful that it wasn’t any worse!!

Additional photos below
Photos: 25, Displayed: 23


Arches National ParkArches National Park
Arches National Park

My Hike to Delicate Arch
Arches National ParkArches National Park
Arches National Park

My Hike From Delicate Arch
Arches National ParkArches National Park
Arches National Park

My hike from Delicate Arch

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