In Transit - Washington DC

Published: January 25th 2007
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After a break back in the UK for two weddings (which were great) we started the trip again. Our flight went through Washington DC and rather than spend the day at the airport we ventured downtown to visit the famous capital.

Clearing customs was fairly easy considering the usual paranoia of the US and within the hour we were standing outside George W Bush's residence. Having seen it from the back at first we didn't think it was too impressive, only to walk around the corner and see the traditional view across the lawn. Some pad - makes No 10 look like a little terraced cottage!

We walked all day, up to the obelisk surrounded in flags affording great views of Capitol Hill, the Whitehouse and the long lake with a memorial at the end. Made famous when Forrest Gump jumped in to see Jenny!

We ate lunch in Georgetown on the waterfront, typical American fare of Burger and Chips!

The final visit was to the Vietnam War Memorial. While not as imposing as the commonwealth cemetaries in Europe it was pretty sombering and there were scores of people walking around trying to find a relative or leave a note or flowers.

That was it for DC. Just a few hours before flying on to Buenos Aires where we pick up where we left off. Just a 60hr bus journey to Peru to get us back on track!!!

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Vietnam War MemorialVietnam War Memorial
Vietnam War Memorial

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