Temecula CA

Published: May 31st 2022
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The Wedding CeremonyThe Wedding CeremonyThe Wedding Ceremony

Maid of Honor Rosanna, Bride Mercy, Groom Will, Officiant Steve, Ring Bearer Connor, and Best Man Tim
After a two year delay due to Covid, our son Will and daughter in law Mercy's wedding day finally arrived. My blog from 2020 (see 2020 California Road Trip) I described our road trip to California where Will and Mercy got their marriage certificate from the Orange County clerk on 5 Aug 2020. And now their wedding celebration was happening! My previous blog (see Prelude to the San Diego) recounts family members arriving from all over the United States and assembling in Temecula in the Southern California wine country. Now our time in Temecula continues.

19 May 2022 Thursday. Today the main events were the rehearsal at 3 PM at the Ponte Winery followed by the rehearsal dinner. So, sisters Judy and Carol, husband Steve, and Linda and I had most of the day to tour around the vineyards for which Temecula is so famous. While we were touring, Mercy and my daughters Tamara and Rosanna spent the morning at my son Will and daughter in law Mercy's home in Tarzana getting manicures. By 2 PM they all rejoined us at the Ponte Winery. The rehearsal itself was short and sweet. The wedding coordinator took us step by step through the ceremony, lining us up in order, and telling us when and where to walk and when to pause in the processional to the gazebo by the lake. It took about 30 minutes. Afterwards we drove to the Blue Water Grill in Temecula for the rehearsal dinner. Seating was at a long table, so me mostly talked to those near us. I sat next to Linda and Judy and across from Mercy's parents, who spoke no English. I mostly talked to my sister Judy. Everyone was talking and laughing, so a good time was had by all.

20 May 2022 Friday. We were awoken with a call from Rosanna saying that family pictures would be at 1:30 PM, before the rest of the guests arrived at 3:30 PM. Firstly, Mercy, Rosanna and Linda got their hair styled and faces made up at the Ponte Winery. The rest of us had a leisurely breakfast at our hotel. I decided to fill up with gas in case I didn't have time later in the busy schedule. Upon my return to the hotel at 10:45 AM I received a call from Will informing me that I was supposed to be at the venue by 11:30 AM for Parents of the Bride and Groom pictures. I quickly changed into my suit and drove to the venue, just in time. I was wondering what the schedule was!

There were two photographers, one for Mercy, who was beautiful in her wedding gown that was covered with diamonds (at least they sparkled), and one for Will, who was handsome in his bespoke tuxedo, as they got dressed. They looked the happiest I've ever seen them. Their day had finally arrived. Then there were pictures with the parents...thousands of pictures! After this I had time to drive back to our hotel to pick up the rest of the family for Family Pictures at 1:30 PM. Afterwards we had an appetizer at the winery's outdoor restaurant, in lieu of lunch as we would be fed royally starting with drinks at 3:30 PM. At that time the guests started to arrive.

Earlier that day we were informed that most of Will's guest from his law firm had to cancel as one had come down with Covid, and the others were exposed. Covid continues to affect plans, but at least most of us, including Mercy's parents who flew in from China on 4 May, were able to participate. Guests were served wine as we waited for the magic hour. At 4 PM guests were seated, and the wedding party lined up as practiced the previous day. Flower Boy Logan threw rose petals on the Bride and Groom as they passed. Soon we were in our places. Steve, my brother in law pastor, who had also performed Rosanna and Evan's wedding ceremony in 2012, then started the ceremony with a few appropriate words and the reading of portions of I Corinthians 13, the love chapter. Then Mercy and Will said their beautiful, heartfelt vows to each other. Ring Bearer Connor then gave the rings to Will and Mercy, who placed them on each others finger. Steve then declared them man and wife. They walked down the aisle followed by the rest of the wedding party and guests.

Servers passed out hor d'oevers and wine until the Reception started at 5:30 PM. The food was served buffet style, with several choices of meat. Everything was delicious! After eating, Will and Mercy had the first dance, then joined by the guests. I asked Will when I was scheduled to give my Father of the Groom speech, which turned out to be for Mercy's parents, too, as her father didn't feel comfortable speaking with a translator. I was told 6:45 PM, and that is when I discovered that Mercy had a minute by minute schedule for the entire day! Anyway, the Best Man spoke and then I followed, both of us keeping our comments brief, and without revealing any embarrassing, but humorous, anecdotes at the request of the Groom. Soon Will cut the wedding cake and fed a piece to Mercy, which was reciprocated. After dessert, the party evolved into everyone talking with each other and guests starting to leave...many came from the north side of Los Angeles, a 2 hour drive away. Tamara, Judy, Carol and Steve, and Linda and I departed about 8:15 PM as we had to drive to their hotel in San Diego, as they had early flights the next day. Linda and I got back to our hotel by 11 PM.

21 May 2022 Saturday. Will and Mercy, her parents, and Linda and I got together for brunch at a golf club restaurant nearby. By 1 PM it was time to drive to their home in Tarzana. Will and Mercy, and parents, had to stop in Santa Ana to give the bridal bouquet to their former neighbor, who was a good friend. Linda and I drove directly to the kennel near their home where their dog Pepper had to be picked up by 5 PM. We were there just in case they were running late. They arrived at 4:40 PM, but without the stress of wondering whether they would make it in time. Back at their apartment, I made hotel reservations in Santa Ana, on the south side of Los Angeles as we wanted to avoid LA traffic on our drive back to San Diego to catch our flight in the morning. Mercy's parents volunteered to make dumplings for supper. The dumplings were delicious! Mercy's mom told us afterwards that if we hadn't eaten at least six dumplings, she would think we didn't like them. We didn't disappoint her! We left about 9 PM to drive to the hotel in Santa Ana, just down the street where Will and Mercy used to live.

22 May 2022 Sunday. The drive to San Diego was quick. Upon checking in with the airlines we were informed that our reservations had been cancelled as we had not flown the first leg of the trip from Colorado Springs to Denver. I explained the situation, and asked for a flight going to Denver, as that is where my car was. We were the last ones on the flight to San Jose, where we would connect to a flight to Denver. Our flight our arrival now scheduled for 3:15 PM, the same time as our connecting flight was to depart. With our first bit of luck it turned out the flight o San Jose would be on the same plane going to Denver. The only lunch we had time for in San Jose was a box of Sees truffles, the stand for which was located at our gate. We landed in Denver at about 7 PM, and drove home. The cats were happy to see us back.

We would pick up Bonnie the next morning from a friend who had doggy sat her for the week. Bonnie was not happy, having felt abandoned. She just laid there as Linda cuddled her. I guess one of us will have to stay home, while the other travels, just as we have done since 2016. Linda plans to visit Tamara and family the last week of June and Rosanna and family the first week of July. She will also visit Will and Mercy sometime after their baby girl arrives about 20 June. I will visit Scotland and Sweden from 22 August to 6 September on the trail of our ancestors. It appears that we won't be going anywhere for our 50th Anniversary on 23 December.

Additional photos below
Photos: 35, Displayed: 27


Family pictures before the wedding ceremonyFamily pictures before the wedding ceremony
Family pictures before the wedding ceremony

Daughter Rosanna, Bob (me), Mercy (our new daughter), Son Will, Linda, and daughter Tamara. This may be the last time we are all together...hope not!

3rd June 2022
Family pictures before the wedding ceremony

Rehearsals then long wait for the real thing
At last Will and Mercy have completed the tying of the wedding knot, Bob. I had not realised you Carlsens love to prolong the inevitable with so many rehearsals!!! Does not seem so long ago that we met Will in our Aussie backyard when we first met you followed by our stay in your USA home with Linda and you. Makes me smile that Will has achieved so much since then and is now married and will soon be a father. Best wishes to you all from your friends in Oz!
4th June 2022
Family pictures before the wedding ceremony

We still remember fondly our visit with you at your home and touring Sydney and the park behind your home, and the time you stayed with us. Will completed law school at Bangor Law in Wales, and a final year studying Intellectual Property law at Benjamin Cardozo Law in NY. He stuck to it through thick and thin and is now a lawyer in a corporate law firm in LA. We are privileged to have Mercy as a daughter in law, as I've never seen then happier together. Their daughter is due about 20 June, so Linda will visit them at an appropriate time. Thanks for staying in touch. What is your next adventure?!
5th June 2022

Congratulations to the happy couple! What a beautiful wedding, and lovely photos. You must be very proud of your family Bob ? The flights there and back sound stressful, but so nice to see you had a lovely time there. And how wonderful that Mercy's parents were also able to make it there from China! Congratulations to all ?
5th June 2022

Oh happy day!
I'm glad this wonderful event finally happened. So sorry Will's friends could not attend. That is so sad. Everyone does look happy. Very nice photos. I would have enjoyed having some of those dumplings!!
22nd June 2022

The silver lining on the COVID Cloud
Hi Bob, It looks like it was a special time with your family. It brings me to tears - yes, I’m getting old and emotional - when I see people who cherish their family like I see you do, enjoy these moments. Do you ever look at your kids and think, ‘ Hey, I must have done something right.’ I do, but maybe they just have their mother’s kind heart. I haven’t read all your entries but you’ve had one full life. Covid-19 had us isolated in Australia for a long time, and my state, Victoria, was the most severe. It’s still with us- my immediate family hasn’t had it yet- but my son Tim in Luxembourg got it before vaccinations were available. He was on oxygen for four days but pulled through. He still has after effect 2 years later. I hope you are all well. Keep travelling and blogging. We are going to Europe in September to see Tim and Natalia so I’ll report back in then. I always loved your feedback and although we haven’t met, I consider you a mate. Take care, Steve
22nd June 2022

Feeling fine...
Linda and I are so happy that your children have grown up to be such fine adults. Linda is flying back East on Saturday to spend two weeks with our daughters and grandchildren. I'm still planning to visit Scotland and Sweden for the last week of August and first week of September. I look forward to reading about your Sep trip to Europe.

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