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July 6th 2014
Published: July 8th 2014
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Saturday morning up early, sorry to leave gorgeous Victoria, caught the ferry across the waters to Vancouver, or probably about 40 km out of Vancouver, dropped one couple at the airport and we continued on to Vancouver harbour for our next little adventure aboard the Zuiderdam for Juneau. Took us over two hours to get through customs, two ships heading out, so 5,000 people to process. Has been a little underwhelming as weather has turned a little, nice scenery so far but mountains clouded in with mist and clouds, hope it improves over the next few hours.

Sunday - day at sea. Had a nice sleep in - very smooth ride last night - but Mark is on his tablets as he thought it was a bit wonky! Lovely ship holds about 1900 guests from all shores of the globe. Weather cleared in arvo - lots of bird life and lovely scenery with snow capped mountains to the side of the ship. Had a good explore of the ship -shopping - John nearly bought another watch!!! - nice group of shops - Mark bought some aftershave then happy hour 4.00p.m. and then to dinner - formal night tonight.


US Coastguard - up the passage - what a boring job with the gun!
- Juneau - a lovely sail up the passage coming into Juneau this morning, with mountains either side with snow on top - docked at 1.00p.m. then tendered into shore as there were 4 other ships in port today. Caught a bus and to the Mendenhall Glacier and Nugget Falls - a good walk into the falls but the air was lovely and fresh - even though we had been to other glaciers this was a bit different in that there is a huge lake at the bottom of the glacier where there were loads of blue icebergs in the lake and the Nugget Falls was quite spectacular - tons and tons of water coming down out of the mountains. Saw a whale coming up the passage this morning - these waters are full of whales and salmon. Juneau is a very cold and bleak place - people only come up here to work for the summer months - there is nowhere to go, roads go for about 70kms out of town but don't connect with anything so all snowed in for winter. A lot of people on benefits here. Tried to get a beer at the famous Red Dog

First sighting of icebergs
Saloon, but queues a mile long so found another little bar and had some Alaskan beer, then walk around the shops and the crab shacks then back on board 5.30p.m. - very lucky with weather fine until about 5.00p.m. and the rain started coming down. Settled into the Crows Nest Bar on the ship for a couple of beers before heading for dinner.

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Mendenhall GlacierMendenhall Glacier
Mendenhall Glacier

Icebergs on the lake, so blue!

A view form afar of both the glacier and falls!

Nice walk out to falls!

Boys not impressed to be suited up!

8th July 2014

Zuiderdam ......we went same trip & ship , great trip wasn't cold though. In Amsterdam now been to Turkey, Gallipoli, Bulgaria , Romania, done 7day river cruise up to Budapest,spent five days
Spent five days Dusseldorf & Sprockhovel....Germany. Saturday fly to South Africa for 30days , get home August 16th,be away nine weeks , but long.raining here ,hope it clears soon first rain since we left home , June 11th, pity , but no control over weather.thanks for "Blogs"can't always reply been busy , busy , here.take care, love Norma & Jeff..
9th July 2014

Hi Norma and Jeff, Norma you really are the MOST amazing women I know!!! (for anyone reading this Norma is my best friend's Mum from primary school , in her 80's, and is just unbelievable). I hope I am ALIVE at your age let alone doing all these fantastic trips, Jeff must be keeping you young, good on you Jeff!! We love Turkey (been there twice) Bulgaria and Romania. Love to you both Glor and Johnxx
8th July 2014

Tell the boys to get over it!!!!!! :)
Hi Glor, the icebergs and glacier looks fantastic....the color blue is just so beautiful. Keep warm guys xxxxx
9th July 2014

Hi Ron, its chilly but no that cold! xx
9th July 2014

Hi from the Russells
HI John and Glor Looks like you are having an awesome time. We have done almost the same Alaskan/Canadian trip and loved it. In fact we are meant to be over there for a month now! Enjoy and tell john for watch out for those wild women in the Alaskan bars. Love the Russells xx
9th July 2014

Hi Caro, yep having a ball, so beautiful! Why are you not here now? xx
9th July 2014

love ya suit john and your top glor xxxxxxx

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