Happy Fourth of July!

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July 4th 2010
Published: October 22nd 2017
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Arriving in TeslinArriving in TeslinArriving in Teslin

Welcome to the Yukon Territory!
Geo: 60.1727, -132.719

(Erin here.) What a great day! We traveled over 700 miles today from Dawson Creek to just outside of Teslin, YT, and all the promises about wildlife along the Al-Can have proved true. We've seen bison, caribou, big horn sheep, moose (one cow, and one very large, very intimidating bull), and three bears (2 brown, 1 black)--all right from the road. We're loving the new telephoto and wide angle lenses! 😊

The drive has been going well with no major mishaps--though we did hit a quick series of potholes that had Kaia leaping from her bed and hiding between our seats for safety. We had a good chuckle. But it was a quick blip, and no one (not even the van) was worse for it. We're getting quite adept at dodging potholes and spotting wildlife by now!

We soaked in the largest hot springs in British Columbia midday yesterday, which felt so refreshing. There was a series of pools you could swim to, stair-stepping down from one to the next as the water got cooler and cooler. Each was surrounded by lush vegetation, which made it beautiful as well, and all the other road-weary travelers seemed as jovial for the soak as we were.

Stopping for gas has proved to be an adventure in and of itself; you never know who you're going to meet or what you're going to see. There's no such thing as pre-paid, card-swipe pumps here. You manually lift the handle, pump your gas, and then the cashier usually hollers at you from inside the store, asking you to tell her how many liters you pumped so she can figure your cost, often on a simple calculator. It all seems very primitive, but a nice change of pace. The farther north we get, the quirkier the places and people, and by now, we really feel like we're up here a LONG way!


5th July 2010

hey e and s (and kaia)very nice pic. geez, the yukon is still very big!! to say the least. anxious to see more pics. you must feel like you are watching a movie from the front seat of the van. priceless!kb and i went to the last rodeo
at the hailey rodeo grounds last night - much fun! not like traveling through the yukon, but fun here.miss you. "see" you on the next blog post.love, dad

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