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December 15th 2021
Published: December 15th 2021
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I am little a obsessed with whale, always have been. On our visit to Vancouver we decided to join a whale watching tour. We choose Sea Breeze Adventuresin Stevenson not far from the city.

They had two different boats going out that day. We chose to take the Zodiac, a big blow up boat that seated around 10 people. We were pretty lucky quiet because early on at our tour we spotted three humpback whales. Usually they won’t stick around very long as our tour guide told us, but these guys seemed to enjoy our company and were really curious too. The whales were waving their tales and popped their heads up several times.

We even discovered that day that whale poop is pink. And there was a lot of whale poop swimming on the waters surface. Since the tour operators also had two researchers on board we got to help them to scoop samples of whale poop into buckets. Not something you get to do every day.

The whales stuck around for several hours swimming up and down, putting on a little show for us. To be honest it was a little scary

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