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Middle East » Iran
March 20th 2017
Published: March 20th 2017
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10th - Lamu Yoga Festival, Kenya. A little light stretching before work.

11 - Dad's Brithday! Happy Birthday!

12th - Purim - Read the Book of Esther.

13th - Holi. Made gujiya - a sweet dumpling stuffed with nuts, dried fruit and cardamon seeds.

14th - π Day - 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971... is as far as I got. It's not that enjoyable but at least it's not repetitive.

15th - Argentinian Tango Conference - I watched some instructional videos and then I watched a narcoleptic Argentinian singing Police (Moulin Rouge).

16th - Gnaoula festival - listened to Moroccan jazz.

17th - St Patrick's Day - Guinness.

18th - Six nations - technically watched online on Sunday due to too much wine on Saturday... but I was still celebrating seeing a friend... so it counts as double?

19th - Las Fallas de Valencia - I watched 800 monuments burn. (well, it was Sunday and there wasn't much else on... except the Rugby repeat).

20th Novruz Bayrami - Happy Persian New Year! Baklava all round!

10 cool women

1 Aung San Suu Kyi - Burmese pro-democracy activist who uses nonviolent resistance to campaign. Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 and repeatedly jailed. She was released from house arrest in 2012 and has traveled the world speaking about democracy in Burma.

2 Lisa Randall - First woman to be given tenure in physics at Princeton.

3 Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Bad ass US supreme Court Judge. the 'Ginsburg Precedent' is named after her, for her impartiality.

4 Indra Nooyi - CEO of pepsico - the fourth largest company in the world. Since becoming CFO of the company, revenues have increased by 70%! (MISSING)

5 Sappho - One of the first known female writers. Although her poetry has been lost, her reputation remains.

6 Sojourner Truth - African-American abolitionist and rights campaigner, who gave the speach 'Ain't I a woman?'

7 Emmeline Pankhurst - British Suffragist, whose protests included violence, public demonstrations, and hunger strikes. She died 3 weeks before women finally got the vote.

8 Simone de Beauvoir - French philosopher whose book 'The Second Sex' is a defining book for feminists as it depicts traditions of sexism that dominated history and society.

9 Tegla Loroupe - Kenyan athlete who held the women's marathon world record, and since retiring has devoted herself to education, women's rights, and peace and has been praised for helping to end tribal conflict.

10 Malala Yousafzai - advocate for women's rights, and educational rights.


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