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April 26th 2012
Published: April 26th 2012
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<strong style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal;">Thursday 26th April 2012:

Today is our final day at sea and by crikey it feels like a very long time since our first day on this magnificent voyage. The Bay of Biscay is behaving itself beautifully and the sun is shining as we head north ready to dock at 6 o’clock tomorrow morning. When we tie up in Southampton we will have sailed an amazing total of 39,644.7 miles. That really is a very long way and we’ve loved every inch of it.

We have also enjoyed writing the travel blog and know it will help us remember and re-live this voyage. We have also adored getting messages back from people who have read it. We have been especially touched by the people in Saipan who have been kind enough to say how sad they were that our visit was cancelled due to the unusually bad weather that day. If it helps – we were also very sad not to visit your island and we’re glad you’ve been able to read a bit about our travels on these lovely ships.

From people on board who have not been lucky enough to do the full world cruise, we get questions about what was our favourite port so here is a little list of our highlights.

· Most exciting destination: New York

· The place we thought we would most like to live: San Francisco

· Most jaw-droppingly beautiful: that golden temple in Japan

· Best wild life encounter: swimming with wild stingrays in Grand Cayman

· The most welcoming people: American Samoa - especially House, our bus guide

· The best snorkelling we’ve ever done: Fiji

· The proudest people: Papua New Guinea – they lost so much and now have so little and are proud of what they are making of themselves

· The hottest place was easily Bangkok – we now know what a scorcher really feels like!

· The most densely populated place was easily Shanghai – we won’t ever forget those miles and miles of apartment blocks

· The weirdest food: Japan by a long way

· Fillet steak dinners eaten: far too many!

· Number of bottles of wine drunk: none!

· Amount of fun had: incalculable

· When we got fed up with the world voyage: never

· Favourite of the two ships: The Queen Elizabeth (by quite a long way)

· The best hug since leaving family in the UK: with Kathleen in Melbourne

· The most photogenic destination: Alapuzzah in Kerala, India. We took 443 photographs on that single day!

· Total number of photographs taken since 10th January: 6,351

· Total number of film clips shot: 697

Would we do another world trip? Probably not. The first time is like all your childhood Christmases wrapped into one adventure. It can probably never be bettered so we probably won’t try to. But boy are we glad we did it. It really has been the best 3½ months of our lives. Thanks mum.


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