Train to Top of Scotland

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Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Caithness County » Thurso
August 30th 2017
Published: September 4th 2017
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Aug.30 ... Rose at 3:30am for 16k ride to Newcastle train station. After a quick coffee, cereal and packed lunch (thank you, cousin), l loaded my bike and was on my way.

I quickly learned tree lined offroad bike routes are dark places, and my bike lighting didn't provide much comfort in my rush to meet my train. I took to the roads to reduce anxiety and they were a breeze at this time of day. I made the station with time to spare.

Loaded bike onto train and settled in for 12 hour train ride (two transfers) to top of Scotland, through Edinburgh and Inverness. Beautiful scenery, villages, and landscapes (some quite desolate).
All seemed efficient and tidy (based on my train travel experience).

Young Master Ear Buds, next to me on train, opened up quite nicely after a few questions, and we had a series of good conversation that helped speed the time along. He was heading to Inverness to overnight for his driving test (apparently, a long wait time in Edinburgh)

Short cycle in Thurso to B & B overlooking sea and the not too distant Orkney islands (tomorrow's destination). Pub visit and take-out fish & chips (real, real, good) closed my evening.

I'll be adding pictures as I become more familiar with the program...and as I catch up.


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