London - 2011

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December 31st 2011
Published: May 21st 2012
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And so time for another photo blog of our year in London - 2011. Highlights were finally moving into the flat we bought last year and Oslo's arrival in the UK (now it really feels like home here!), Fe and Doug getting married, another trip for my parents over to the UK and Europe, the Gautrelet-Jack family welcomed little Louis into the world, Maria and Ty came to visit from South Africa, a variety of different day trips out of the capital, Fe and Bunny embarked on a whole host of different and random courses (thanks 'groupon!'😉 and a whole lot of other great moments... then there was the sad times like when both Carl & Tori and Fe & Doug deserted us to head back to the Southern hemisphere... will let the photos speak for themselves...... ;-)

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Photos: 36, Displayed: 22


22nd May 2012

So cool!
Was speaking to a new girl at work today who has just come back from London. If she hadn't had an autistic son and needed help from her mum...she said she would still be there. It is a beautiful place.

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