Kent & Surrounds

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July 25th 2018
Published: July 25th 2018
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Hi Everyone

On Monday we all went to Canterbury Cathredal left the car at park and ride,and got the shuttle bus to inner Canterbury,as the parking is horrendous!!.we had a great time wandering around,they are doing work on the Cathredal,which will be ready in 3 years.

On Tuesday we went to the Kent Lavendar farm with our Neighbour Vicki,we had a lovely day and had lunch at a local pub.

Kevin and neighbour Barrie took off in Barrieā€™s sports car,then parked the car and went for a 4hr walk.

Today we all went back to Dover to see Dover castle,it was impressive..

Our friend Robyn leaves Tommorrow for London,then carries on her 2mth tour of Europe.

Thank you all for travelling with Kevin and I

We feel we have been away for so long,we have seen so much.

We arrive home on the 31st July

Blessings to you all


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Beautiful stain glass windows

All having lunch in canterbury

Barrie and Kevin taking off for the day.

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