and everybody's talking bout the stormy weather

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September 15th 2008
Published: September 21st 2008
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london felt like going home. people just talked about stuff, stormy weather and money.

I went with imo and stayed one night at her sister's and one at her grandmother's. both were lovely woman, more than I could expect. specially her grandmother, but specially her sister, and specially her. oh, by the way, we also went out with a couple of her friends, also girls from southern lands of northern islands, and since everything was being soo girly and sensitive and I had just been to bath, I decided to borrow a girly book by jane austen, pride and prejudice, and I read about half of it before making it to the plane: that's how london was. you decide.

but don't worry, cause just as he said that "there is no greater pain than remembering glorious times, when in misery", I also state that happy times are enhanced when you know sad ones are short-long-gone. and they are, cause I'm typing this from the place where things make a lot of sense to me which is granada.

about the city, to be honest we had some nice days. my particular favourite was the one we went to the
trafalgar square pillar sittingtrafalgar square pillar sittingtrafalgar square pillar sitting

sunny d ay, sun ny day!, sunn y day, sunny day...
national gallery, they had some wonderful paintings I had been wishing to see for a long time like magnificents seurat and van eyck arnolfinis marriage. too bad we didn't have time to FULLY enjoy manet and post-impresionists, because I love manet, I do I do I do; and I wanted to get lost in rousseau's weird self made universe. self made. after the gallery we walked around trafalgar square, and as it always happens to me about three not-so normal people came talk to me.

-the first was a man saying if he ever saw me again walking around with such a wrinkled shirt he would arrest me, to whom I replied I have never had the strength to destroy wrinkles, I mean wrinkles that appear from just wearing a shirt are its history! you wouldn't want to iron a tree, would you? and my shirts to be like trees. when we met again he decided not to arrest me.
-number two was a street artist, he had made a magnificent colored chalk copy of bronzino's venus love, which is a painting imo loves, and I do too when I get past cupid's distorted proportions. sadly, I can't very often do so. I was sitting in a concrete pillar in trafalgar square, enjoying a sunny moment, which is someting apparently people don't do very often in london, when he came barefoot asking for a ciggarette. I had none. then he asked me what I was up to up there, to which I replied "just enjoying the day". he said if I was doing so just on my own. and I said no, I was with my friend and everybody. he said me to keep it up. and I replied that I'd definetly do so. then he said goodbye and went to find his ciggarete, and I shut my eyes and kept it up.
-number three was the drunk half of a man-man couple. imo's phone rang when we were so close to his sister that she thought it wasn't worth answering, and this guy didn't think it to be a very good idea. he asked me what was the reason not to answer my phone. I said it wasn't my phone, but my girlfriends. why wouldn't I hug her? she was a girl and a friend, nothing less nothing more. nothing less! then he said to her to answer the phone, I explained them the reason why we didn't answer and so he felt satisfied and more or less when the phone stopped ringing he stopped asking about it and left with his lover in a new direction.


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