Heading Home: The End of our Adventure

Published: July 6th 2017
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Greetings from the Heathrow airport once again - this time we area waiting for our flight to Vancouver and home. We had a leisurely morning getting all our things packed up and ready to go. We took some photos of the kids in their school uniforms as they were heading off to school. We enjoyed a very nice fish and chip lunch at a nearby pub with Carol Ann, then we headed to the airport. It is about 4:30 now and we are waiting at our gate for our 5:15 pm flight. It's about a 9 1/2 hour flight to Vancouver.

I can't believe that we will be home tonight! Well, tonight Vancouver time, tomorrow London time. It seems too soon to finish our trip! Our amazing adventure is over already. I could travel longer - you get into a routine. I could travel for 6 weeks probably and not feel it was too long. It will be nice to be home but I don't feel like it's been too long at all. I feel like I could go someplace else now and would still enjoy it. Maybe a few relaxing weeks on some nice sleepy Greek islands. But, instead, we will be back in New Westminster. I will be glad to be back in our condo, and to see our cats, for sure, but I will miss travelling. It's been such an amazing experience. We have seen and done so many fantastic and wonderful things. I have such fond memories: travelling through the Turkish countryside in the mini bus listening to Turkish music, ballooning over the amazing landscape of Cappadocia, ferry ride on the Bosphorus, delicious Turkish pizza in Uchisar, being amazed in Ephesus, just to name a few. Then onto exploring London, pints and cheese and pickle sandwiches, seeing the Rosetta Stone. I hope the next trip will be to Egypt. Maybe in two years time if we can swing it. After that, who knows. So many places to see.

This has been Susan and my first major overseas trip, and our first experience with group travel. It was absolutely a success, on both counts! We will definitely do another group trip in the future. We had a great group of people to travel around Turkey with, and we have made some very good friends, Chris and Grant in particular. While some aspects of group travel can be annoying and you don't gell with all the personalities of the group, overall it is a great way to travel.

So, this is it for the Turkey blog. I hope you have enjoyed travelling along with us. Till the next adventure! 😊

Additional photos below
Photos: 8, Displayed: 8


Lori and SusanLori and Susan
Lori and Susan

Last pint in London
Ella likes our new rugElla likes our new rug
Ella likes our new rug

This is the one we bought in Turkey.

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