The English Riviera - April, 2011

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April 22nd 2011
Published: January 1st 2012
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Easter weekend. Our first holiday away since we flew back in from Africa and Oslo flew over in March... so we were definitely taking him with us. Not sure where to go at first, we finally found our spot after a few searches (thanks Google!) - Torquay in Devon. We'd heard great things about Devon and the so-called 'English Riviera' so sounded like somewhere we should head. I think we got the best Easter weekend weather in years, in either UK or NZ. It was stunningly hot summer weather and so we were really able to make the most of our weekend.

We found a B&B right in Torquay that was dog friendly (one of the best things about the UK) ;-) It was walking distance to shops or beach in either direction.

We spent the first day just wondering the waterfront, enjoying the sun and taking in the cheerful festive atmosphere.

Day two we first went and visited the very cute village of Cockington where we strolled around the quaint houses, glass blowing shops and art shops, up near the Cockington Court Manor House and then after walking Oslo down a gorgeous little path by a stream we stopped for a famous Devon Cream Tea (though we substituted the Tea for coke and beer... the scone was good!! ;-) Oslo had water ;-)

We then jumped in the car to go and see Dartmoor National Park and ended up just enjoying driving through the park in stunning sunny weather, picture perfect meadows, fabulous scenery, stunning country houses, cute old villages...... it was really gorgeous. If we were to 'escape to the country' this would be a beautiful spot to do it! We spent an hour or so running around a giant meadow in full bloom... just like being kids again! We grabbed lunch in a sunny beer garden, still loving being able to take Oslo everywhere - from B&B to tea room to pub!

Then it was off to explore more of the 'English Riviera' proper which encompasses Torquay-Paignton-Brixton. It's a nice coastline (Tor Bay) to drive along, but we preferred the feel of Torquay of the three. Bunny made sure to get some Cornish clotted cream ice cream, but to be honest thinks she's had better in NZ. Poor Oslo was exhausted by the end of this day, he walked the whole day and his little legs were getting quite tired by the end, and was very happy to finally return to our lovely B&B.

It was a gorgeous trip, Devon is really stunning, the weather was amazing - felt like middle of summer! And it was great to be able to take Oslo with us!!

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