Switzerland 2 Chillon /Guinevere and Lancelot - Picture perfect and memories of Liverpool

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Europe » Switzerland » South-West » Sion
June 6th 2006
Published: December 26th 2011
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After leaving Lac Leman we drove along the north edge of the lake heading for Chateau de Chillon. The journey was uneventful and we arrived just after lunch and ate at a convenient MacDonalds. Not my favourite choice for eating but it was all that we could find.

The chateau is spectacular, an architectural gem set on the edge of the lake and within sight of the Alps. It is the most visited historical monument in Switzerland and it wasnt hard to see why today. The castle and the area around it was full of visitors many Japanese. It is very difficult to think of adjectives to describe this castle built in 1005 - pretty, charming, interesting - the list goes on and on. One can almost imagine Guinevere, King Arthur and Lancelot being inhabitants of this particular castle. The sun shone on the lake making it truly magical.

After visiting we headed to Sion for the night. I had developed a dreadful cold and didnt feel like doing anything. Our hotel was set just outside Sion so too far to walk to see what was there. And anyway with this cold all I wanted to do was have something to eat,stay in and dose myself on Lemsip and Paracetamol.

Our hotel faced the mountains and the two castles in the distance. It might have been nice to spend time there and go to see them but with a red running nose and a headache couldnt be bothered.

Off tomorrow to see Zermatt, the Matterhorn and go on the Gornergrat Railway.


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