Italy Travel Blog...the prologue

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April 30th 2010
Published: April 30th 2010
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A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine... ~ Italian Proverb

Ciao people!

Our Italian travels begin at long last. We can finally stop desktop travelling and now share some of our own Italian experiences! We have both been to Italy before - Andrew on a trip to Rome and Florence about 10 years ago, and I have been to Rome and the Lazio region a few times with my parents when I was young - so we are really looking forward to exploring Italy much further afield and also experiencing these places together this time.

We are so glad that Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull volcano and its ash cloud are behaving themselves and haven’t ruined our travel plans. We may be able to upload blogs in real time on this trip because an executive decision has been made to take Nemo (the cutest little netbook that ever was). However Italy is apparently not fabulous for easy internet access while travelling...

We depart Hobart today...’cause we are leeea-vin’ on a jet plane... 😊

As with previous blogs, ‘people’ pictures will be on our facebook pages.

Ren and Andrew

Films that set the scene for this trip...
Roman Holiday, directed by William Wyler (1953);
La vita e bella (Life is Beautiful), directed by Roberto Benigni (1997);
My House in Umbria, directed by Richard Loncraine (2003).

Travel reading on this trip...
Lonely Planet Guide Italy;
A Week at The Airport by Alain de Botton (Andrew);
Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht; and Under a Tuscan Sun by Frances Mayes (Ren).


30th April 2010

One of the best photos I have seen of Andrew is the one on your blog. To improve - try to capture less of his face and more of yours Ren - Ha!! Safe travels and looking forward to following your adventure. Robbo and Ali xo
1st May 2010

Have fun!
Hi my darlings, looking forward to hearing about your travels - what a great idea to set up this blog! Hope you get internet access. Also expect a post-card... Lots of love and hugs come your way. Rom xxx
2nd May 2010

Hi Guys - I am soooooooooooo jealous....I've forgotten what it's like to travel overseas - been too long for me lol. Looking forward to reading about your travels :) Luv K
2nd May 2010

Hey Robbo and Ali, thanks for your thoughts! Hope all is well on the's wishing for calm seas. :)
2nd May 2010

Re: Have fun!
Thanks Rom! Free wi-fi has been fabulous so far. Will look for a suitably cheesy postcard for you. x
2nd May 2010

Re: Jealous
Hey happy to be travelling again, and knowing you it wont be long at all before you travel again!! :)

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