Day 5 - the one to Verona

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Europe » Italy » Veneto » Verona
August 1st 2019
Published: August 2nd 2019
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Our final breakfast in the Regina Palace hotel was another good feast - looking out to the lake. Next, all packed up and checked out, we headed to the station for our first train of the day - the 09:40 to Milano Centrale. Although a couple of minutes late, the train pulled into platform 1, the trouble was the coach numbers were not that clear so we got on the train and I went in hunt of coach 6. As I was moving down I saw the numbers increasing and thought it was ok for both of us to travel down - wrong! The numbers did indeed increase but from number 4 to 14 in one leap. We gave up and stood mid carriages and got into a wonderful conversation with a couple from New Zealand about travels and experiences - it was a very quick hour.

Alighting in Milan, we then had a short wait for our next train to Verona, one of the most comfortable trains since the Eurostar. Again this was only an hour.

Leaving Verona station, we walked in the heat for about 12 mins to our hotel, which was very handy for both city and station. Our room is fantastic, the staff have been brilliant - even with me not really following the instructions for the safe and thinking that it did not work - oops!

Our friends, joining us In Verona, were not due until the evening, so we set off exploring what Verona had to offer. It is an amazing city with so many surprises of buildings and alleyways. The arena was amazing to look at and I can’t wait to go tomorrow and Saturday and see all the impressive sets that are stored outside the arena.

We wandered up the main shopping street not necessarily for shopping but to feel the air con coming out on to the street. Juliet’s balcony was an interesting find along with all the love notes on the walls as you approach it. We just absolutely love Verona.

On the way back to the hotel we stopped for an Aperol Spritz, it is interesting to see the price drop as you leave the main city area, these were only €4 each with crisps and nuts. We did stop again nearer our hotel and had another one (it would be rude not to), this time only €3 each with a little feast as well (picture included).

Once our friends arrived we headed off to eat not far from the arena and I won’t say what we had to eat- I will let you guess!

Looking forward to exploring more tomorrow.

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