Roaming around David and Boquete

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November 11th 2015
Published: November 11th 2015
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We continue to wander around David to explore this crowded and hot city. We must be getting acclimated a little because it does not feel so stifling. We now carry umbrellas, as the locals do, to provide shade from the sun. Until about 9:00 in the morning it is pleasant and when the clouds move in in the evening. It is nice to be able to walk downtown at night without a sweater and to have a swim in the pool without the slightest shiver.

We have a leisurely morning catching up on emails, Facebook and cook a nice breakfast after which we head downtown. We have looked for newer neighbourhoods but have yet to find one, but we do come up with interesting sights everyday. Yesterday we came upon an outdoor casket making shop. We can't get over the state of the sidewalks and lack of them. The intersections have ramps for wheelchair access but once on the sidewalk how are they ever going to negotiate the craters, boulders and uneven levels. Sometimes a piece of rebar is sticking out, it takes all your concentration to navigate so we are constantly looking at our feet. Often times we are walking on the edge of the narrow street with traffic going by inches away, nit a bicycle riding place. There are few traffic lights and pedestrians simply start walking across a street and hope the driver stops, seems to work.

We decided to take a city bus to American type supermarkets to see if we could find vegetables. The selection in our usual store is very limited. We made our way to the bus terminal and asked which bus goes to Super 99. The young chap directed us to a bus and told the driver where we wanted to go. There is a driver and a young man on each bus who assists people on and off and collects the fare, once you arrive at your destination. He seems to remember where everyone is going or a passenger simply whistles when they reach their destination and the bus stops. The fare is $1.00 for both of us. We were let out at a Super 99 but not the one we had in mind. We walked around the area a bit and found that there were many American chains like KFC, Pizza Hut and McD. All was not lost because low and behold, an other parade, the 4th one in 10 days. This one was colourful with period costumes, dancing, music and lots of happy faces.

We usually shop a bit at the many stalls lining the sidewalks, stop for a cold one at the many bars and saloons with their western type swinging doors. We are the only gringos in there so we are a curiosity. An ice cold bottle of Panamanian beer is .75 cents. Venders come in to sell their wares but they are not aggressive. I bought an Empanadas (for .50 cents) a pastry with chicken type concoction inside. I was handed a bottle of hot sauce to put in it, tasty.

We then head back to our oasis condo and have a much needed swim to cool off. We spend the rest of the afternoon relaxing, going to get provisions around the corner. We head back downtown to a restaurant or a quick drink at the bar or sit in the park and people watch. Todlers seem to be up late in the day, perhaps they sleep during the hotter part of the day. We don't see anyone smoking, probably a cost factor. Panamanians wear long pants, hardly anyone in shorts in this heat. The school children wear uniforms and I see these really colourful cotton dresses that appear to be a local type dress. At first it seemed to be the more Indian type featured folks wearing them but I may be wrong. I want one, it looks so cool even if it is full length.

We are feeling the language barrier but getting by. We are improving although Jerry tells me to improve faster.

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