Page 5 of thetravelbugtribe Travel Blog Posts

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Somerset » Glastonbury December 18th 2009

We walked up Glastonbury Tor in the warmth of a winters afternoon sunshine, yet at the top we met a fiercely cold wind. The views made up for it for a while, but we finally had to retreat back down the hill. Tor means hill in Old English. Glastonbury Tor stands out from the surrounding countryside, being one of the few raised areas of land in the region. Many years ago, before drainage was put in, much of the land surrounding Glastonbury was frequently under water, leading to the legend of the Island of Avalon. In the mythology of the ancient Celts, Avalon was an island where gods and heroes fed on the apples of immortality, and has been woven into the stories surrounding Arthur, Excalibur, Merlin etc. Now the apples that are feasted on are ... read more
Path leading up the tor to St Michaels Chapel
St Michaels Chapel, Glastonbury Tor
view from inside chapel

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Wiltshire December 11th 2009

Winter isn't the best of seasons to visit some of Britain's ancient outdoor attractions, but we weren't going to let some cold weather stop us exploring. While driving to and from Bath, we stopped at a few ancient sites. The first place we visited was Bratton Camp and Westbury White Horse. The current white horse was cut into the hillside in 1778, replacing a much earlier one. The original white horse may have been cut to commemorate King Alfreds nearby victory over the Vikings. Unfortunately today, the white horse isn't just a shape cut into the chalk hillside, it has been filled in with concrete to help stop it fading and the grass overgrowing it. Above the white horse, and for us slightly more interesting, was an Iron Age hillfort enclosing a much older long barrow. ... read more
Iron Age Fort at Bratton Camp
St Laurences Church
Inside St Laurences Church

Asia » Singapore September 12th 2009

Friday 11th September 2009 Breakfast in Kota Kinabalu, lunch in the air, dinner in Singapore. The life of a pair of international jet-setters! After breakfast in the hostel (Summer Lodge) in KK, we went out to the airport and returned the car. We told the agent that it would be a good idea to take it to a mechanic but he wasn't very interested. Arriving at Singapore Changi Airport, we went quickly through immigration and customs. We found the 'Singapore Stopover' desk and checked in, getting our free passes, transfer vouchers and some lovely “Singapore Stopover” stickers we were told to wear while transferring to and from the hotel. Talk about feeling like a package tourist! Still, for NZ$1 each, a night in a hotel, transfers and free entry into some sights, we shouldnt complain, or ... read more
Sipping my Singapore Sling
Shame we cant keep the glass
Fruit bat

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kota Kinabalu September 10th 2009

Tuesday 8th September 2009 One of the beauties about travelling with no fixed itinerary, with no pre-booked accommodation, with a little bit of time, is that you can change your mind about what you are doing and where you are going. Its something we have a habit of doing. Like the time we took the bus to Sao Paolo to watch a football game, arrived at the bus station, remembered we didn't like Sao Paolo last time we were there, and got on another bus heading to Rio. And saw a better game at the Maracana. Its been a while since we have had the luxury of the time to change our minds, the past few trips have been a bit short and rushed. Even the start of this one was, with the diving and jungle ... read more
Rafflesia bud
Rafflesia Priceii
Karen by the Rafflesia flower

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kudat September 7th 2009

Sunday 6th September 2009 We must have been too early or not stayed long enough at the Kota Belud Sunday Tamu (market) as it was nothing like the LP described it as. For a start, it wasn't huge, there weren't any buffalo and we didn't see any Bajau horsemen. I think this is a case of being too well travelled - a bad case of been there, done that already. Markets are places that draw the tourists / backpackers (we try hard not to be tourists if we can help it), and this one drew us. It was still a good market, heaps of stalls of scrummy looking veggies (neither of us are cooks, but really wanted a kitchen right then so we had an excuse to buy fresh veggies!), fish, plants, clothes, curtains, cooking gear ... read more
Entrance to the longhouse
the communal area of the longhouse
new longhouse under construction

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Mount Kinabalu September 5th 2009

Tuesday 1st September 2009 cont. We left the Uncle Tan Adventure Camp at 10am on day three of the 3D/2N trip. So as you can see, its not really a three day jungle adventure! A quick ride up the river brought us back to the jetty where we were met by some 4WD utes, rather than the minibuses that we came in. A much better ride through the plantations, then we transferred to minibuses at the road. We had lunch at the operations base near Sepilok then walked to the main road to wait for the express bus towards KK. Luckily we were only going as far as Ranau, rather than all the way to KK. The air-con was on full blast and the movies were bad! So it was scenery watching as we wound our ... read more
the trail
the bat cave
Colin looking for the bats

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Kinabatangan September 1st 2009

Sunday 30th August 2009 We had a leisurely morning as the first day of our 3D / 2N jungle trip didn't start until 2.30pm. We made our way down the road from Labuk B&B to the Uncle Tan Operational Base, the company we are heading into the jungle with. The staff at the B&B had given us an idea of what to pay for a taxi to Uncle Tans (RM3-4), but the taxi drivers weren't cooperating, they were asking RM10. It was interesting trying to haggle with them, to see how far they would go and at what point they would walk away. Well, initially they walked at RM10. Even the guy at the back of the queue wasn't interested in negotiating - and he'd be back in line before anyone even left SORC so no ... read more
one of the camp staff on the river
Colin searching for something wild

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary August 30th 2009

From Sipidan it was back to the rig to get our gear ready for the transfer back to the mainland. We had one night in the town of Semporna to wait for an early bus to Sepilok. We took the advice of some other people from the rig and stayed at Lee's Guesthouse, very quickly and successfully negotiating the room price down from the listed RM70 to the generally paid RM50. There is no challenge in that kind of negotiating! We failed to find a laundry that could get our clothes washed and dried quickly (no mechanical drying aids!) but did manage to find ourselves a nice cafe with a balcony and breeze (mechanically aided!) So there we sat, luxuriating with hot chips and cold beers, trying to identify fish pics, and generally relaxing. Its strange, ... read more
no no no
orang-utan at Sepilok
feeding platforms in the jungle

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Sipadan August 28th 2009

We only had one morning, three dives, at Sipidan. In many ways it was a disappointment, after all the hype, but also in many ways it was really impressive. What we did see, the coral, the fish, the sea life, was quite spectacular. The weather that day didn't make it an easy set of dives. The sea was pretty choppy and the currents underwater were strong in places. This didn't help with spotting the sea life, or with getting on and off the boat. Between dives, we were dropped off on Sipidan island, for a hour each break, and that wasn't fun in the rain. There is a toilet block, the remains of some old resort buildings, an army house and lots of open space. We were given food during each break, soggy fish sandwiches, hard ... read more
Barracuda ball
Blue-faced Angel Fish

Asia » Malaysia » Sabah » Mabul August 26th 2009

We spent three days on the Seaventures dive rig exploring the underwater worlds of Mabul, Kapalai and Sipidan. The rig was pretty basic and still smelled like a rig or ferry. It is a rusting hulk planted about 500m off the coast of the island of Mabul. It was strange walking around it, I kept feeling like it should be moving like a ferry, it was hard walking down the corridors in a straight line, talk about sea legs (or not!)! Our room was pretty basic, twin beds and a bathroom that desperately needed ripping out and replacing. But the rig as a whole worked as an accomodation block and man-made dive site. The staff and food were good, three meals a day, plus "afternoon tea". The diving wasnt as good as we were expecting though. ... read more
On the boat 2
Karen backroll entry
Blackbarred Sandperch 1

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