Page 7 of redwatt Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík September 29th 2018

What a lovely day! When we awoke we discovered there were mountains overlooking our harbour! With snow on them! We couldn’t see them yesterday with the low clouds and rain. So we had an early brekky - we were there when they started at 7. Brekky and then the final touches of our packing. Our large suitcases had been collected last night. Our tag colour was called about 8.30 and we went down to the gangway where Noprada was standing - she’s another of the international hostesses - she’s a lovely Philippina who speaks at least five languages. She helps Colin with trivia and she runs the sudoku challenge. She hugged me as we left. Silversea had organised a marquee on the dock where our suitcases were waiting. From there we walked 10 steps to a ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík September 28th 2018

Well, after a restless night on a perfectly stable ship (I liked the rocking ok?) we went to brekky to find it was a wet and windy day here in Reykjavik. After brekky Tom went ashore to find a post office and I went upstairs to take some pics. It was cold as well as wet and windy so I came back inside to the panorama lounge to have a warming coffee and read some more of my Marian Keyes book. I noticed another lady getting an interesting looking drink in a smaller sized champagne glass - it was a Baileys!! I thought yes, it’s after 10 (just) i’ll have one too! When Tom returned all cold and damp from his outing ashore, a Baileys warmed him up nicely too while we were reading. We had ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík September 27th 2018

We awoke refreshed after another night in the open sea. The weather last night had not been as rough as I‘d expected, and that’s what I told the captain when I saw him at breakfast in La Terrazza. It was just a night at sea, but he said the bad weather will arrive when we are at Reykjavik. We thought it best to do the small bit of washing before we have to pack tomorrow, so I did that while Tom went to another enrichment lecture. After that we did some reading before it was time for the whisky and whiskey tasting down at the bar. We had a Bushmills Irish whiskey, Chivas Regal blended whisky and a Glenmorangie single malt whisky. They were the 3 that were planned, and then we had some Laphroig, Jameson‘s ... read more

Europe September 26th 2018

After a night of having our cradles rocked by a maniacal Mother Nature we went to La Terraza for our usual breakfast, walking like a couple of drunk people. After brekky we decided to go to the enrichment lecture on the Vikings - Tom wasn’t terribly enriched, he slept through most of it. We returned to our suite for Tom to continue napping. I borrowed a new digital Marian Keyes book from Penrith library and did a spot of reading. We decided to skip lunch today and go to afternoon tea instead. Walking around on the ship today reminds me of that silly Coney Island walking feature at Luna park that’s uphill one minute and downhill the next and you lurch from place to place. So, we spent the afternoon watching a die hard movie before ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Renfrewshire » Greenock September 25th 2018

We awoke as we were making our way through the Firth of Clyde to our port in Greenock. We had a leisurely brekkie and prepared to go ashore. There was a marquee set up on the dock of the cruise terminal, for both customs and security, and also for tourist and clan information. We were looking at a clan map on a board when a little man came over to assist us. Well, didn’t he have his work cut out for him? Of course he had a wealth of information on James Watt, and his grandparents who had been the ones to leave the Watt clan land and come down to Greenock. He also had a wealth of information on Tom‘s Cummings, Murrays and Bapties and my new Davidson and Rhind families. The Davidson tartan is ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Northern Ireland » County Antrim » Belfast September 24th 2018

So we arrived in Belfast this morning. After brekky we did a load of washing and then relaxed and read our books, being interrupted by the butler who was concerned about which shoes Tom was wearing to tonight’s formal dinner, and could he give them a clean, which he duly did. We had been given a choice of shore excursions but I was still grieving for the west coast ports we are missing out on and hadn’t been tempted by them. Tom wanted to go to the Titanic museum, whereas I didn’t like the idea of going to a sunken ship museum when I was on a cruise! So after an early lunch Tom went ashore on his excursion while I had a nap and did some sewing and reading. While he was out we received ... read more
I didn’t eat all of that!

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin September 23rd 2018

What a lovely day! We woke up gradually, knowing that it was Sunday in ireland and nothing much would happen before 11am. We went to brekkie in La Terraza and found that there were actually thousands of bike riders in the streets outside for the annual Great Dublin Bike Ride. We then retired to the observation lounge and read whilst our suite was being made up. Just after 12 we left the ship and boarded the shuttle for the 10 minute drive to the city centre and explored the streets around Trinity College. We found an Irish Pub (in Ireland!) and went in for lunch. We had Irish stew washed down with a pint of Temple lager, followed by an Irish coffee. We then continued shopping (well, I shopped, Tom carried) until we were ready to ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin September 22nd 2018

Today we had a day off. This touristing thing can get tiring. After a nice calm night and relaxed morning we arrived in Dublin at around lunchtime, docking whilst we were at trivia (ahhh, we came last, or 6th as I prefer to call it). They docked our ship in the River Liffey, down a little ways from their troubles-scarred post office. We had lunch in The Restaurant and today they did a Mexican theme for entrees (quesadilla, wraps etc) but a chicken stir fry for our main. After lunch, everyone was going ashore, so we did our washing! And then had a two hour nap! We’ve been here twice before and we’re weighing up what we really wanted to do/see. We had a booking at La Terraza for dinner - at night it becomes the ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Cork September 22nd 2018

After a really rough night we were relieved to find conditions much smoother on arrival at Cobb. Some staff said it was the roughest weather they’ve ever seen, but all was calm and serene as we motored into Cobh Harbour. After a quick brekky in La Terraza we joined our coach on the dock for our 1 1/2 hour drive to Cahir (pronounced care). We also saw Lismore Castle along the way, the Irish Home of the Dukes of Devonshire. The 9th Duke of Devonshire was married to Fred Astaire’s sister, and she lived there until her death in 1981. We’ll be visiting Chatsworth, their English Home, when we return to England next week. First featured stop was a guided tour of Cahir Castle. This castle now belongs to the government because the last owner had ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England September 20th 2018

Well, today started off well enough, although our day’s plans for Dartmouth were canceled because of expected rough weather - lovely brekky in La Terrazza. On this ship it’s on the same deck as our suite, which is handy. After breakfast Tom went to the enrichment lecture, being given by an Aussie professor. I already felt enriched so I went down to the panorama lounge for a spot of quiet reading. We met up again for lunch at La Terrazza and by now the seas were getting a little choppy. Just before lunch they announced that our three ports of call on the west coast of Ireland were canceled due to the storm Ali, and that after Cork we would travel to Dublin and Belfast instead. They have credited our accounts with the cancelled excursions and ... read more
Bishop Rock Lighthouse, Isles of Scilly

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