Page 5 of pinchy85 Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Uganda » Western Region » Kabale May 25th 2012

After a great night’s sleep I got up fairly early and had breakfast at the Gorilla Rest Camp. After the journey I had on the boda boda to get to Ruhija from Kabale, I wasn’t exactly relishing the prospect of doing the same to get back to Kabale, particularly after the rain that had fallen in the past two days. So, when Wim and Annalise, the Dutch couple I had tracked the gorillas with, offered me a lift in their truck to Kabale, where they were going through en route to Kigali, I had to restrain myself from biting their hands off. Wim and Annalise had driven down from Holland in a seriously pimped out 4x4 truck that had a bed, cooker and pretty much everything you would need travelling through Africa. Even with the problems ... read more
Lake Bunyonyi
Surrounding Hills
Rowing on the Lake

As it was my birthday, I decided to splash out and pay the $500 for a permit to see the mountain gorillas at Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. The fact that they had recently put up the price to $750 in Rwanda and that rebels had moved into the Virunga National Park in DRC, meant that Bwindi was my only viable option to see the gorillas. These mountain gorillas live in only two places in the world - the Bwindi NP and the National Park shared between DRC, Rwanda and Uganda comprised of the Virunga, Parc Des Volcanes and Mgahinga NPs. Bwindi is the only place in the world that gorillas and chimpanzees co-habit the same forest. I took the 8 hour bus journey from Kampala to Kabale. There I made inquiries about how to get to Ruhija, ... read more
Taking it Easy
On the Move
Silverback Approaching

Africa » Uganda » Central Region » Kampala May 15th 2012

I ended up spending almost a week in Kampala, when I had only planned a couple of days. At first, I had to spend a couple of days running around the cities to get some of my possessions fixed or replaced, as well as make a few purchases to send some stuff back home. None of this was easy. Making your way around Kampala is pretty exhausting. You look at a map and the streets look like they have been arranged in the same way as a plate of spaghetti would be. Down around Luwum St. is your trademark African city street scene. The people seem to multipy each street you pass, as well as the street vendors. The Owino market is close by and is a maze of stalls selling all sorts. It took me ... read more
Heavy Load
Me Outside Kasubi Tombs
Kasubi Tombs

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Jinja May 13th 2012

I woke early at the Crow's Nest in Sipi Falls and managed to get a shared taxi back down to Mbale. I previously described the other modes of transport in Uganda thus far as cramped but this was ridiculous. There were already 8 adults and 4 children in the back of a station wagon, but I somehow squeezed in. All you can do is laugh really. In Mbale, I got a minibus to Jinja easy enough and set up my tent at the Nile River Explorers Camp. It was fairly quiet in Jinja despite it being the weekend. May is still their low season. I did end up going out with a couple of volunteers in Jinja for the weekend and crawled into my tent just before the biggest thunderstorm I think I have ever witnessed. ... read more
White Water Rafting
Falling Out

Africa » Uganda » Eastern Region » Tororo May 10th 2012

After leaving Kisumu, I got a fairly cramped matatu on a terrible road to the Ugandan border. This was possibly the easiest border crossing yet, made especially easy by the fact that us Irish are one of the only European nations that don't have to pay the $50 visa fee. Thank you Fianna Fail, for whatever deal you strick with the equally corrupt Ugandan government. On a bit of a tangent - having read a couple of English language papers in Kenya and Uganda, it is incredible how many stories revolve around corrupt politicians and officials. It must be the subject matter of every third story. It's not that novel reading about this kind of stuff, but what was a bit unique was the story of the 14 year old Ugandan boy who was nearly lynched ... read more
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Africa » Kenya » Nyanza Province » Kisumu May 5th 2012

I escaped Nairobi on a fittingly disgusting morning and got a bus to Kisumu, where after about 8 hours, I arrived into some sunshine. I stayed in Kisumu with Christina, who I had met in Mombasa. As it was a Saturday, we went out that night and predictably enough, the Sunday was fairly unproductive. Of all the places I had been in Kenya up to now, this was the first where tourists would not regularly come. They seemed to be fairly used to the mzungus all the same. There was also a surprisingly big Indian community. Kisumu is situated right on Lake Victoria, my first contact with Africa's biggest lake. We went down for lunch by the lake one day, where there are a number of restaurants set up, with freshly caught tilapia on display. When ... read more
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Africa » Kenya » Nairobi Province » Nairobi May 4th 2012

After 3 nights, I decided it was time to leave Lamu and head back towards Nairobi. I got a speedboat back to Mokowe and found a bus going to Mombasa. This was fine until, just as we were about to leave, a lady showed up with a ticket for my seat. This was despite the fact that the conductor had told me to sit in that specific seat. This left me standing in the aisle as we got going. The conductor came down looking for money shortly afterwards. I told him I would only pay half price, as I had no seat. He then sent down the armed guard, who asked me was I not satisified? I told him no. About 15 minutes later, one of the passengers got off and they made sure the mzungu ... read more
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Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Lamu April 29th 2012

I had heard the bus to Lamu from Mombasa could be a bit of a nightmare, but mine was fairly straightforward and I arrived in Mokowe after less than 6 hours. The only way to get to Lamu from there is by boat and I took a speedboat, which took about 10 minutes. Lamu appears from behind a forest and immediately struck me as somewhere completely unique. I checked into a hotel and managd to dodge a few touts who harrassed me to go on a dhow trip with them the following day. I bumped into Michelle, an Irish girl, who I had met in Mombasa and had dinner with her, Anna a Spanish girl and two German couples. Lamu is fairly quiet, but I was happy to have an early night anyway. The last morning ... read more
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Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Mombasa April 24th 2012

The morning after arriving back in Nairobi from the safari, I went straight to get a bus to Mombasa. This was quite a long journey and I arrived in Mombasa at about 8 o'clock. I met an American, Eric, on the bus and we shared a tuk-tuk to Mombasa Backpackers, which is about 15 minutes outside the city in the Nyali area. The Backpackers is a bit of an oasis in Africa with a swimming pool, bar, kitchen serving food, hammocks etc. I spent a couple of days chilling out here not doing a whole lot. There was also a good crowd staying here at the same time so there were some fun nights. I did venture into the city centre a couple of times. I found it to be a very interesting city, with a ... read more
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Africa » Kenya » Rift Valley Province » Masai Mara NP April 21st 2012

I got some antibiotics once I got to Nairobi and began to feel a lot better. I booked a 3 day safari to Masai Mara National Park and got picked up from my hostel and brought to town, where I met the rest of my safari group. There were 8 of us in the truck although, 2 Japanese men left after the first day. It took about 4-5 hours to drive from Nairobi to Masai Mara NP. We first went straight to our camp, had some lunch and went on our first game drive. We got incredibly lucky on this drive as in the first hour or so we saw zebra, giraffe, topi, impala, elephants and finally some lions. We were also lucky enough to see a couple of lions 'mating'. It only lasted about 15 ... read more
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