Page 3 of explorerkeith Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County August 16th 2009

The date was August 10, 1628. It was a beautiful Sunday morning and Stockholm’s many shorelines were crowded. After three years of hard work and the felling of over one thousand oaks, Sweden’s newest warship and the crown jewel of their powerful fleet sat at the quay below the royal castle ready to sail. At 69 meters in length and 1210 tons of displacement, the Vasa, named after Sweden’s royal family, was one of the most imposing warships in the world. Its 64 large guns ensured that it would be a formidable power on the seas. Its ornately carved hull was a work of art meant to intimidate anybody that would come against it. The ship was loaded and its guns were all tied fast as it was kedged to a point near modern-day Slussen. All ... read more
Exploring Grönsö 3
Lake Mälaren
Beautiful Countryside - Birka

Europe » Sweden » Halland County August 9th 2009

We had been on the road for hours before we got our first glimpse of the beautiful lighthouse by the sea. Our route had taken us southwest from the little red and white summerhouse on the shores of Lake Mälaren, past the medieval town of Arboga and the picturesque Göta Canal, between Sweden’s two largest lakes, Vänern and Vättern, and into Göteburg, Sweden’s second largest city. We ate an excellent lunch at the home of Maria’s friend, Ylva, while we sat and watched Göteburg’s picturesque waterfront from the top of a bluff. After lunch, Ylva joined us as our journey continued southward along Sweden’s west coast. Eventually, we turned off of the highway and followed a small country road between the rolling fields that lined the coast. We spotted the lighthouse a short time later and ... read more
Exploring Arboga 3
Exploring Glommen's Harbor
Glommen's Fishing Vessels

Europe » Sweden » Uppsala County August 8th 2009

I admit that I knew very little about Sweden when I stepped off of the plane at Arlanda airport near Stockholm. What I did know had come to me in a series of stories and pleasant memories that I had collected over the years, usually second hand, from one of my sister’s best childhood friends. My sister’s friend, Maria, had moved to America from Sweden when she was young and she and her family frequently went back for a visit. Most of her earlier stories came to me through my mom, perhaps in an attempt to free me from the closed-minded prison of ignorance that I was drifting into – I was an aspiring redneck in those days. As the years passed we all went our own ways in search of ourselves. I eventually shed my ... read more
Mushrooms in the Forest
Inside the Ruined Church - Sigtuna
Hiking in Biskop Arnö

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima June 1st 2009

It first hit me when I nestled down into my tiny window seat on LAN flight 072, bound for Lima - My time in the Amazon was over. I had conflicting emotions as the doors on the plane closed. I was definitely happy to be going home, but I was already missing the forest and all of the mysteries hidden beneath its canopy. The plane was filled to capacity with a mixture of foreign tourists and Peruvians. I was surrounded by a group of American high school students who were returning home from a week-long educational trip to Cusco and the Amazon. The students were completely self-absorbed in their odd, popularity games and their chaperones had their hands full trying to prevent an international incident - The class clown was sitting directly in front of me ... read more
The Gran Hotel Bolivar
The Rotunda
The Balconies

It started raining as I sat on the sofa in the lodge waiting for my group to leave. It wasn’t just any rain either, it was a torrential downpour reminiscent of the rainy season and I wasn’t really all that happy to see it. As I sat and talked to the three tourists that would be making the journey up river with me, my mind wandered to my lonely backpack, the one that I had left leaning up against a tree near the river. I thought of all of my dry clothes and my electronics and my extra books and I wondered if, after nearly five exciting years on the road, the pack’s ‘water resistance’ still functioned as it did when I first bought it. I didn’t linger too long on my belongings though. The mist-filled ... read more
Heads in the Jar-O
A Creature From Your Nightmares
Looking Down River

By my fifth week living at Posada Amazonas I was ready for a break. The eight to ten hours I was spending on the trail every day, while immensely enjoyable, were taking their toll on my body. To make things worse, the lumpy, sagging mattress I had been sleeping on had resurrected an old pelvis injury, which I had earned in a fit of stupidity during a mountaineering trip in Yosemite many years before. I spent a few days resting in my bed, hoping to prevent a total flare up that would eventually spread to my lower back, rendering me useless to the project. After my second day in bed it became clear that I was not going to recover sleeping on the same moldy mattress that had caused the flare up in the first place, ... read more
Moon Over the Amazon
The Giant Mussurana
Sunrise Over the Amazon

For those of you who have been following my blog you will notice a large gap. I have decided to start writing about my current travels, but I will fill in the gaps as quickly as I can, so stay tuned and enjoy. A quick glance through the window revealed a seemingly endless blanket of green where, a few minutes before, there had been huge, snow-capped peaks. Just below us a wide ribbon of muddy orange water sliced through the green in a winding, haphazard manner. I knew the river well, though I had only seen it on maps - It was the Tambopata, one of Peru’s last wild rivers. As we got closer to the ground individual trees became distinguishable in the blanket of green and it hit me for the first time just how ... read more
Rainbow Over the Canopy
The Giant Kapok Tree

North America » United States » Georgia » Saint Marys January 27th 2009

It was one of my favorite places in the world - A land of primordial maritime forests filled with palms and twisted live oaks, their gnarled boughs draped in thick curtains of Spanish moss; a mysterious island surrounded by tranquil salt marshes and the raging Atlantic, and seemingly forgotten in time; a pristine home to wild horses, bobcats, turkeys, deer, feral pigs, and armadillos, with swamps filled with alligators and snakes; a beachcombers’ dream with miles and miles of empty, shell-strewn beaches, where the treasures of the deep abounded; paradise! A week-long backpacking trip on Cumberland Island was the most anticipated camping trip of the year for my scout troop and every spring through my teen years we all loaded into our old green bus and headed south to the southern-most barrier island on the Georgia ... read more
A Sailboat in the Fog
Plum Orchard
Pelican in the Fog

Europe » France » Île-de-France » Bois-Colombes November 23rd 2007

Here is the final blog from my 2007 journey. It is set in Paris (despite what the tag says). Due to an unfortunate accident with my photos I only have the ones from the first part of my time in Paris – The gargoyles of Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, and all of the other nice photos are gone. After eleven months on the road I was on my way home. I was tired and I needed a break from the free, roving life. Thoughts of home-cooked meals and familiar faces excited me more than the most exotic of images I could build in my mind. It was an unexpected turn of events, but the same ‘boring’ aspects of the comfortable life that I had been living before I donned my backpack and hit ... read more
Arc de Triomphe
Stained Glass2

Middle East » Jordan » North » Amman November 16th 2007

The blank desert scenery flew past my window as I headed north through Jordan. I knew that just beyond the flat, brown expanses along the road, the fabled crusader fortress of Shobak Castle, rose up in the distant hills, but, despite a strong urge to see it, that wasn’t where I was headed. After six days of wonderfully active exploring in the canyons and mountains of Petra, I was exhausted and I just wanted to rest, so I reluctantly decided to skip the remote, mountaintop citadel. Instead I was on an overcrowded bus bound for Amman, Jordan’s capital. My journey through the Middle East was down to its last week and I no longer had the luxury of an itinerary-less existence on the road. Amman was the end of the road for me, but there were ... read more
Columns and Greenery
My Chariot
Hadrian's Arch

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