Page 4 of Warey Travel Blog Posts

Europe » Italy » Umbria » Perugia July 11th 2023

After the glowing reports from the jazz festival the night before, we decided it was worth the journey in to Perugia to see what all the fuss was about. Obviously nothing too early but we found ourselves a parking spot without too much stress and began the long trek up to the town centre. A bit of wandering and we stumbled across a great band called Funk Off, who were performing in the Main Street. Much to the girls’ horror, their funky tunes inspired some parental dancing, but luckily they found some cousins to share their mortification with. The heat and the dancing were becoming too much so we wandered some more before settling on a restaurant for lunch. Some gelato before beginning the downwards trek to the baking hot car. Back to the house for ... read more
Staying in the shade in Perugia

Europe » Italy » Umbria » Umbertide July 10th 2023

After the excitement and adrenaline of yesterday (hmm ok, and wine), Sunday was always going to be a day of rest. Had a nice relaxing sleep in before venturing in to Umbertide for a coffee (accompanied by boa constrictor) and some supplies. Home for lunch, lots of jumping/wall walking competitions in the pool and the great pizza creation began. Much poking was necessary, obviously, and, building on the lessons of the pizzaiolo from Gassino, much throwing of semolina. The oven proved challenging to get to the right temperature so there was some dissatisfaction with the dough, but the masses didn’t seem to mind. Some ventured in to Perugia for some jazz…and some had an early night. Up the next morning to greet the cooking lady who had come unstuck rally driving in, and despite help, was ... read more
Obligatory sunflower shot
Pizza man…and beautiful assistant
Not a bad view

Europe » Italy » Umbria » Umbertide July 8th 2023

After months and months of plotting, scheming and straight-out lying, we couldn’t believe the day had finally arrived! The tightly managed schedule was tracking well when we left but less well when we hit the freeway…headed in exactly the wrong direction. Adding half an hour to the journey when your nerves are already on a knife edge is even less good when you get the message from Heathrow that the intricately orchestrated plan looks to be falling at the final hurdle due to BA’s overbooking. Some tense minutes, some tears and an express trip to Pisa and we received the joyous news that the plan was back on track. Piazza dei miracoli it truly was!! So back on our way to collect our online order which required a significant amount of wondering and wandering but we ... read more
The stress was somewhat offset by this view
She’s here!!

Europe » Italy » Tuscany » Aulla July 7th 2023

There’s been a lot in the media lately about how crowded and horrible Italy is at the moment with throngs of tourists etc etc. But we seemed to find ourselves far away from all of that in a beautiful little pocket of Tuscany just over the border from Liguria. We started our journey from Turin and ventured to Albenga to visit with Franca and Luciano. Irene was also there enjoying the seaside with her grandparents. It was lovely to see them and all the girls enjoyed a swim in the sea while I dusted off my Italian and chatted with Franca. We had a quick lunch at the beach and then dropped in on Luciano who was resting at home, not in the best health. We shared some funny memories of when I’d stayed with them ... read more
Monte Marcello
Always cats
Beautiful view

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » Turin July 5th 2023

Being that we were in the birthplace of Ferdi, we thought it only right that we make a pilgrimage to visit his shrine - Mauto, the museum of automobiles. But first, we dropped in on Federica, who was convalescing at home. It was great to see her and catch up. Since we enjoyed the circumnavigation of Porto airport yesterday, we thought we’d try a repeat around the museum. It was particularly enhanced by my desperation for the bathroom so by the time we actually arrived at the museum, I didn’t really care what it housed. But it was a pleasant surprise to wander through the old cars and appreciate what a formative influence car manufacture had on Turin’s history. But there’s only so much ugh history one teenager can endure so we headed to the osteria ... read more
His shrine
Lots of little Ferdis
A hot stroll along the Po

Europe » Italy » Piedmont » San Mauro Torinese July 4th 2023

Considering we were in these parts, we thought we’d make the effort to see what all the fuss about Porto was for. So, amidst howls of protest, we packed up early and headed to the airport to leave the car, in a tactic designed to minimise stress and parking angst. Unfortunately the architects of the Porto Airport parking areas had different ideas and we enjoyed several scenic excursions around the airport. Finally having managed to leave the car, we grabbed a taxi into the city. The next 20 minutes were a blur for me as I frantically tried to contain the mad canine escapee from the other side of the world. When I emerged from that stress, I miraculously found I’d been steered towards a tart shop. What a great way to see out our time ... read more
Just a couple of tarts in front of a bridge

Europe » Portugal » Northern » Braga July 3rd 2023

Following the success of yesterday’s plans, we thought a repeat today was a good idea, but with a different lunch destination. First we thought we’d check out this weird thing I’d seen (not on TikTok) called Bom Jesus. I hadn’t bothered to do any reading at all but the pictures looked cool, so off we set. After a false start at some other stairs leading to heavenly redemption, we found the right place. Despite the pious religious motifs scattered left, right and centre, it was actually pretty spectacular, and we meandered up and down the stairs for some cool photos, in between trans-continental tales of the dog’s escapades around the neighbourhood. Next stop Braga for some lunch. We had a quick look around the historical centre before hitting the main drag for a restaurant where we ... read more
Bom Jesus
Stairs all the way to Jesus
Beautiful building in Braga

Europe » Portugal » Northern » Guimarães July 2nd 2023

I don’t care what anyone says. Front loading washing machines are the work of the devil. Them and ibises and it’s basically the equivalent of hell. I will not be convinced otherwise. Off we set from I Sintra, a last crazy lap around the maybe one way system that snakes its way between all the sights, clogged with tuk tuks and nervous passengers. First stop was Obidos, which is a medieval walled castle city north of Lisbon. Despite ugh another castle from the peanut gallery, we were relatively quick to convince the doubters that it is actually a cute little town. Had a wander along the cobblestone streets and the ugh castle walls before settling on somewhere for lunch. Managed to check out some medieval birds of prey before completing the stroll through the town back ... read more
Perhaps it’s not so bad after all
Cute town
And there’s horses!

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Sintra June 30th 2023

Kicked off the day with a delightful breakfast in the courtyard before heading to the Castelos dos Mouros (Moorish Castle). Despite Geoff’s aspirational assertion that we should walk the 1.5km uphill, rejection was unanimous and an Uber summonsed. Thankfully, since the Moors apparently had a fondness for building on a hill. A tall hill. On a ridge. So we climbed and we explored. There are two fortifications on high points of the ridge, connected by walls and surrounded by a lush forest. We enjoyed wandering the walls and peering over the edges, imagining the enemies trying to attack and having hot oil poured on them. Both were quite the climb, but a cooling breeze and views of the surrounding countryside and Pena Palace made it less painful. Maybe my legs will feel differently tomorrow. Some replenishing ... read more
Enjoying the shade
Pena palace in the background
We’re high up!

Europe » Portugal » Lisbon & Tagus Valley » Sintra June 29th 2023

Yesterday was not a good day. It started with some extreme teenage girl dramas, vocally projected across most of Portugal, and continued with a couple of dead birds. It was almost enough to make us throw in the towel for the day and curl up in bed and be done with it. But we decided that sun and sand was a good medicine…and eventually we were right. A visit to Carvoeiro beach for some breathtaking water surrounded by stunning limestone cliffs. Icecream to soothe the aching hearts and a quick visit to Marinha beach but we decided not to brave the walk down from the cliff top, seeing that we’d have to walk all the way back up again. Off to Benagil to meet up with our kayaking trip. A quick safety briefing and we walked ... read more
Out of the cave
Kayaking along the coast
Not a bad view!

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