Page 2 of Wanderingwaltz Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Ghana July 12th 2006

Geo: 7.95185, 0.60071Lush green vegetation, pot-holed red dirt roads and a steel gray sky brewing up a storm greeted us at our new home in Nkwanta, a town on the border with Togo. We moved our items into Bungalow No. 4, which was to be our home for the duration of our time in Ghana. We are sharing a three bedroom bungalow with three Swiss medical students. Although we were looking forward to having our own space for a bit, we still have a nice place to live. Power cuts and water shortages are an everyday occurrence and a reminder that, although we have many modern conveniences at our fingertips, we are still in rural Africa. Nkwanta town is a one-horse town. The green hills provide a pretty view as we meander through town. The main ... read more
02 Nkwanta village homes
03 Is it God in the form of a yam truck?
04 Justin holding McAffee the new baby

Africa » Ghana July 1st 2006

Geo: 4.80969, -1.93537As we'd hoped, a week at the Green Turtle Lodge on the west coast has rejuvenated us and renewed our hopes for our time in Ghana. Certainly, the idea that "less is more" is in play here at Green Turtle - eight thatched huts facing the beach alongside a thatched bar/dining annex.We're "off the grid" here; solar panels on each hut gather enough energy to power lamps for a few hours each night. Toilets are self-composting and shower water is caught so that the surrounding plants are watered. We finally found our Ghanaian paradise. Never before, in all of our combined travels, have we found such an untouched beach. We are near the village of Akwidaa which sits on a sandy beach lined with coconut-bearing palm trees. A mangrove forest lines the back side ... read more
02 A Rare Sighting of the Species Jaminus Sluginus
03 Hornbill in the Mangroves
04 Catching Crabs Amongst the Mangroves

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra June 2nd 2006

Geo: 5.5447, -0.2065After four weeks of frustration and disillusionment with our work and home life, the tables seem to be turning. We must briefly recap the negatives so that you will feel the same sense of optimism that we do about the new opportunity that has arisen. First off, our work with WAAF has been one hair-pulling experience after another. We have been exposed to a work ethic and cultural approach to business that we could never work in for the long term. Their website,, is impressive and gives the impression that WAAF has a lot of projects going. But soon after we began working, we realized things here are like movie sets at Universal Studios - there is nothing behind the beautiful facade; projects here may be concepts on paper and not actually done ... read more
02 Celebrating at the Durbar
02.5 Having Fun at the Durbar
03 Chief of Alukpatsa

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra » Accra May 14th 2006

Geo: 5.5447, -0.2065With excitement powering our steps, we boarded the STC bus that would take us out of Burkina to our home for the next two and a half months - Accra, Ghana. After 22 hours and multiple Nigerian-made movies later, we arrived at 6AM in the sprawling metropolis of Ghana's capital city, Accra. It is here that we would temporarily add two people to the estimated 2.2-million people who call Accra their home. Incidentally, the guidebook says Ghana is the same size, land-wise as Oregon. Situated on the Atlantic Ocean and sticky with heat and humidity, Accra is an unattractive city at first glance. But as we get to know the city, we hope to discover its hidden charms. Promptly after arriving at a hotel and taking a shower, we called Eddie, the director of ... read more
02 The Living Room We Were Given
03 Our Bedroom
04 Cash...Most of It in Bills Worth 50 Cents!

Africa » Burkina Faso » Centre » Ouagadougou May 5th 2006

Geo: 12.3569, -1.5352On the morning of April 19th, we left Mali to cross overland to Burkina Faso. Our main reason to go to Burkina was to get a visa for Ghana. The easiest way to get where we were in Mali to Burkina was to take a bush taxi to the border town of Koro, at the edge of Dogon country, and catch some other transport into the capital city of Ouagadougou (Ouaga for short - pronounced "Waga"). What an adventure that turned out to be!To be quite honest, at the time of travel, we were both miserable from the rigors of the travel and a bit homesick - it is only now that we are safe that we can look back with any sort of amusement.We got to the "taxi stand" at 6:30am and bought ... read more
02 Dirt Road Near Hotel
03 In Front of Supermarket

Africa » Mali » District of Bamako » Bamako May 2nd 2006

Geo: 12.653, -7.9864After receiving our Malian visa in Dakar, we opted to take a flight (2 hours) rather than take a bus (2 days journey) from Dakar to Bamako, Mali. Reports from those who took the weekly train to Mali were also discouraging - one party got off and took a cab after 50 hours! Bamako, both the capital and largest city in Mali is a dusty sprawl of 45 square km and home to over one million people. Two words can sum up our first impressions of Mali, "hot and dusty." We arrived at the end of the tourist season where temps rise to over 110 degrees each day. It is like being in Arizona in the summer time - yet there are no air-conditioned buildings where one can take refuge.In order to avoid a ... read more
01.5 Trip to the Market...a Long, HOT, Trip
02 Drumming for Donations (Before Circumcision!)
03 Making Malian Tea

Africa » Senegal » Cape Verde Peninsula » Dakar April 9th 2006

Geo: 14.6953, -17.4439Bolstered by time with family and the luxury accommodations, where "roach & mouse turd" checks were not necessary, we plunged back into the developing world by flying from Casablanca, Morocco to Dakar, Senegal. We arrived at 3am and approached the airport exit with our "scam/crime" antenna fully extended. Amongst travelers, Dakar has some reputation - a Westernized, cosmopolitan city that lures both honest folks and criminal types from all over sub-Saharan Africa. Outside, we were quickly surrounded by the latter element of hustlers/scam artists. Offers of "ATM" and "change money" rang out in French and we were quickly led to an ATM. We adroitly reversed course and found our way to the taxi stand (we weren't going to take money out with 20 guys looking over our shoulders). After the usual haggling over the ... read more
02 Indy Day
03 Dancing on Indy Day
Mumar is Coming to Town!

Africa » Morocco April 3rd 2006

Geo: 32.8801, -6.91556Flying into Casablanca from Spain, we immediately got on a train to Marrakech. Yes, the name "Casablanca" brings to mind the romance of the classic Bogart movie, but in reality, it is an ugly concrete city with little to draw a visitor. Interestingly, the film crew for the movie "Casablanca" never set foot on Moroccan soil: it was all filmed on a Hollywood sound stage!Marrakech, in contrast, was immediately intriguing with its maze of "souks" - traditional market in the medieval "medina" - old city. Founded in 1062 by Sultan Tachfin, Marrakech grew to become an important cultural center of the Islamic world.To be sure, the city is becoming Westernized and tourism, an important employer. But underneath this modern veneer, we were pleased to see that regular people still haggle over carpets, spices, and ... read more
01.1 Alley Outside Riad in Marrakesh
02 Interior of old School of Islamic Learning
03 Jamie Typing Blog in Marrakesh Riad

Europe » Italy » Lombardy » Milan April 2nd 2006

Geo: 45.1511, 8.94482On March 10th, we said goodbye to the Indian sub-continent and headed to the comforts and ease of Europe. It was also a time to meet up with family members who came to visit. We headed to Portugal where we met Sandra and Ralph for five days and lived in the relative lap of luxury. After one night in Lisbon, we rented a car and drove to the coastal city of Peniche. We arrived at a very nice hotel on the coast and we didn't know what to do with ourselves. We played with all the shampoos, put on the robes and slippers and melted into the feather bed with super-soft pillows. Jamie also learned a new trick - how to get upgraded from a plain ol' regular room to a suite. It can ... read more

Asia » Sri Lanka » Western Province » Colombo March 16th 2006

Geo: 6.9155, 79.8572From the southwest shores of India, our journey took us beyond the tip of India, southeast to the teardrop-shaped country of Sri Lanka (formally known as "Ceylon"). Its biggest claim to fame is tea and chances are, if you are drinking a nice hot mug of tea right now, it probably came from this heavenly land.We had a short two-hour hop on Sri Lankan Airways and arrived 30 miles north of the capital city of Colombo. We describe Sri Lanka as "India-lite" since it didn't have the chaos and intensity of India (which, for us, definitely gave India its charm). The root of this basic difference seemed to be, at least to us, the huge difference in population - 20 million versus India's 1.5 billion! Probably the best part about Sri Lanka was that ... read more
02 Sunset Over Mirisa
03 Working Hard on Mirisa
04 Fishing Off Unawatuna Beach

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