Page 5 of RJT Travel Blog Posts

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Brisbane October 6th 2013

I was heading to a hotel in the hills in Brisbane for a long weekend. Located in the mountains, about a 30 minute drive from the city, my plan was to go for walks in the hills and relax by the pool. It wasn't too far from the city but my GPS certainly made the drive longer than it needed to be. Firstly there was the long and circuitous route I seemed to be taking, then there was a "Deliverance" moment as I dutifully followed the GPS instructions down a narrow dead end road. As the road petered out into a red dirt trail I came to a gate making it clear I couldn't go any further. In case of any confusion there was a flurry of dust and an old four-wheel drive came flying out ... read more
Brisbane river trip
On my way to the Brisbane Wheel
Graffiti art, Fortitude Valley

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Huskisson September 2nd 2013

I had a few days off but had decided on a staycation, to explore a bit more of Sydney. However it seems like the travelbug can't keep me still, so with a couple of days up my sleeve I headed beyond Sydney to the South Coast and Southern Highlands, all highly recommended by locals. It's a very pretty drive down the south coast. My first stop was Berry, a very sweet little country town filled with cafes and homeware stores stuffed with knick knacks for cluttering up your house. It's a mystery to me - who is buying all this stuff? However my destination for the night was Huskisson, in Jervis Bay. It's a cute little coastal town on the edge of the national park. I was staying in a little B&B, run by a very ... read more
End of the day, Hyams Beach
Self portrait on the white, white sand
Chinaman's beach.  I think this was my favourite.

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Daintree National Park August 5th 2013

In my year of living in Australia and my year of mild obsession about the possibility of seeing a snake and wondering what to do if it happens, I've been told repeatedly by Australians by that I will never see one. Well certainly not in the city (thank heavens for that!) but it won't happen anywhere else either. Well - they are all wrong! Sighting number one was the snake in WA . Admittedly I have no verification of my story and while I still maintain it was a baby snake, I concede that it may well have been a slithery snake-like worm. There is no doubt however about my second sighting. My latest weekend away was up to Port Douglas, and I took a day trip to the Daintree Rainforest. It was here that I ... read more
Daintree Rainforest
Look what happens when the ficus gets out of control
Daintree Rainforest

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darling Harbour July 28th 2013

It’s hard herding cats, but I think trying to organise a travelblogging get together might be harder. By definition, travellers are wanderers, mostly independent free-thinking types, who could be here one minute and anywhere the next. Where will I be in a month, you ask? Well, that depends on what sort of opportunities present themselves between now and then. So a big thank you to Dancing Dave and Laila the Tuarewg for organising a great weekend in Sydney, open to all and any travelbloggers to join in the fun. The “Dancing Duo” really put on a great show, including some spectacularly good weather. As an aside, the winter weather in Sydney this year has been very kind (with the memorable exception of the ten days of ra... read more
Don't disturb, Captain at work.  Hard job, but someone's got to do it....
The Dancing Duo
Cindy shows the Captain how's it done

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » Port Melbourne July 13th 2013

It was time to get out of Sydney, and with friends in Melbourne, this was my weekend destination. I think the travel curse was following me, as it was a bleak weekend - windy, wet, overcast and cool. But then again it was Melbourne in winter, what else to expect? I was lucky to be staying with good friends in Port Melbourne, a part of the city that I had gotten to know much better over the years that they had lived there, so it was a return to an old stomping ground of sorts. But new adventures were on the cards as well, so we were off to the Mornington Peninsula for a spot of wine tasting and exploring. First up was a visit to a vineyard that had rocketed to the top of my ... read more
Melbourne artwork
At the NGV
With Cam and Joey on the coast, near Flinders

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Potts Point July 6th 2013

It was a very soggy week, and Sydney was not at her finest. Typical - out of town guests and it rains. And rains, and rains! My mother and sister, Susannah, arrived in Sydney on the first day of rain that we'd had in ages. It was my sister's first visit to Sydney, so I was keen to show her all the highlights. I wanted to show off Sydney's beauty, but uncharacteristically the city wouldn't cooperate. They arrived on a wet and soggy Saturday morning, and luckily after such an early start they wanted a low key day, so the rain wasn't a major deterrent. Armed with umbrellas, we went on a neighbourhood walk through Darlinghurst, up to Oxford Street, through Paddington then back to Potts Point, stopping in a few shops and cafes on the ... read more
It's not raining!
Ships and Warehouses....early Sydney
The Rocks....and our friend the umbrella

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Potts Point May 19th 2013

Exactly one year ago today, having bundled up nearly all my belongings into storage, I joined more than half a million other New Zealanders in the so-called "lucky country". I can't believe how quickly it's gone. I didn't know what the future would hold, with a work contract for one year, so I set myself a goal to see as much as I could in my year. I've visited every State and Territory, including a visit to the Federal Parliament where I found out what the difference between the two is. I've seen a lot, but only starting to discover what a vast, diverse, wild and beautiful country it is. Australia is nothing if not a land of contrasts. The beaches are simply stunning, amongst the most beautiful I've seen anywhere. Whether downtown Sydney, or more ... read more
Perth cityscape
Bronte beach, getting ready for Nippers
Margaret River - wine, glorious wine...

My entire trip to the Northern Territory was built around visiting Kakadu National Park. I booked the 2 day camping tour before I settled on airfares, hotel rooms, or any other activity. I had a few reservations about my backpacking tour, which was with the same company that I booked the Litchfield tour through, and it wasn't just having to spend the night in a rented sleeping bag. Tom and Dan were convinced that they offered the best tour available, and said sneeringly that the AAT and APT tours should stand for "aged arthritic" or "aged pensioner tours". Their advice to buy one or two (??!!) bottles of wine to take with me to save money on the expensive wine available where we were going so that I "could enjoy the full experience" was a little ... read more
At Kakadu
An egret

Oceania » Australia » Northern Territory » Darwin » City of Darwin April 26th 2013

Landing in Darwin it was hard to believe I was in the same country. It was midnight, but still 27 degrees, and steamy with it. Of course more sensible people than I would have looked at a map before getting on the plane. It turns out that Sydney is over 3,000 kms away. I might as well have landed in Indonesia. Day one was a trip to Litchfield National Park, only around 130kms from Darwin. I seemed to have inadvertently booked myself on a day trip targeted to backpackers. The owner of the company picked me up from the hotel and drove me down to the meet the bus. He told me he came up from Melbourne 20 years ago and he couldn't believe his luck when he arrived to be a tour guide. "I was ... read more
Good reasons to fear crocs
No, I don't want to hold him myself, but he would make a lovely handbag...
Life size killer croc - more than 8 metres long.  HUGE!

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Cabramatta April 14th 2013

One of my first overseas trips was to Vietnam, in December 1996. Like much of my travel, it was a somewhat random decision and I hadn't done much in the way of research beforehand. So I was open to lots of advice. As it turns out, all the advice I received was from people who had never been there, but all assured me confidently that I was bound to get ill, it's too hot, and I would most certainly lose lots of weight. I could almost guarantee coming back slimmer and trimmer. As it turns out this was absolute nonsense. The food was sensational, like nothing I'd had before. Bursting with flavour, it was fresh, delicious, not to mention more-ish, and not wanting to miss out on the incredible array of new culinary delights I tucked ... read more
BBQ - pork, duck, chicken?
Sugar Cane Juice with Kumquat
Making Sugar Cane juice

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