Page 2 of RAStafford Travel Blog Posts

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 4th 2016

9:30a start to the day. With weather continuing to be burning hot, we decided that one palace was enough and took the subway to the largest of the 5 palaces in Seoul, Gyeongbokgung Palace, in west part of Seoul. Many tourists here – busloads of Chinese visitors, and despite the sweltering heat, many chose to wear hambok (Korean traditional dress). In the back garden of the palace is Hyangwonjeong Pavilion and Pond. Many parties were apparently held here by King Gojong. After Gyeongbokgung, we too subway to Namsangol Hanok Village. “Hanok” means traditional Korean house. There are several such hanok villages throughout Korea. This one is very beautiful with lots of gorgeous landscapes and magnificently recreated traditional buildings. The entire area would take 3 hours to cover. We did about half. We decided to go back ... read more
More interesting subway art
Meeting in the meeting place
Gyeongbokgung Palace

Asia » South Korea » Seoul » Gangnam August 3rd 2016

Robb’s ankle was still hurting from yesterday so we took it a little early today. Headed out later in the morning towards Gangnam. We didn’t see Psy (of Gangnam Style song popularity) but we did see a lot of very rich and expensive stores. It was incredibly hot so we only saw a portion of Gangnam, mainly K-Star Road which is where many K-Pop entertainment management agencies are located. Gangnam is in fact a very trendy part of Seoul and has a vibrant nightlife. But at Noon during 40C weather, we didn’t linger very long. We took some photos and opted to go back to an area near the hotel where there are lots of restaurants and had our first taste of Chimaek(“Chi” for Chicken and “maek” which is Korean for beer). JoSo had some “maek” ... read more
Sophie and Gangnam KPop Road Kitty
Hally Road
Sophie with "Gangnamdol"

Asia » South Korea August 2nd 2016

Another early start. This time headed to South Gate. Despite all the years Halahbujee lived in Korea, this was his first time seeing the South Gate up close. Around the corner from South Gate is Namdaemun Market, largest traditional market in Korea. So many different things to see and buy! The hunt was on for sunglasses as Sophie has been wanting to buy a pair for a couple of months. Passed on the German made 250,000 KRW pair and settled on the Korean made 10,000 KRW from another vendor. This market is huge. We only covered a small area and it was tiring. Stopped for some Korean donuts, which are deep fried but not as sweet as the Canadian version, and some freshly made Korean peach juice. Absolutely the best peach juice we’ve ever had! Today ... read more
JoSo by South Gate
Namdaemun Market
Sophie doesn't want THOSE type of glasses Jon!

Asia » South Korea » Seoul August 1st 2016

Hi everyone. Sorry we haven't been keeping our daily blogs for a while. We brought adapters with us to Korea but none that took a grounded outlet so we have been searching high and low everywhere we went and only just found one to recharge our laptop! Hopefully will catchup on our entries before we leave. ----- Woke up early and headed out towards West Gate. (Seoul used to be surrounded by walls as a form of protection). Saw some funky steps at the Seoul music hall. Beautiful, wide clean streets. And lots of buses! After a quick breakfast, we walked to Seoul City Bus Tours ticketing area and bought a day pass to do hop on hop off to see main attractions in Seoul. There are a lot. Hint for those who have done hop ... read more
IMG_2826 west gate
IMG_2825 robb on bus

Asia » South Korea July 31st 2016

Toronto to Vancouver to Incheon airport in Seoul = 19 hours of travel (not including the 4a wakeup to get to the airport). Loooong day of planes, trains and automobiles. Dark side of travel: "Dank" toenails (Jon's seatmate to his right on plane), rude people pushing and shoving (Sophia's seatmate behind her on plane), and blood and gore (lady behind Robb got her toe gashed by cart requiring at least one extra large bandaid!). Light side of travel: My dad's face lighting up when he saw Korea and had memories coming back about his leaving in 1972 to bring his 7 month old pregnant wife and 2 daughters with him to Canada. Mom would have been thrilled to do this trip. We are all holding her dear and weaving her expressions and gestures as we experience ... read more
Dad at dinner
Robb and Jon
Robb and Jon again

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London September 4th 2011

We left Dover in the morning and headed to Hemel Hempstead where we had the best night of our entire trip. Uncle Del opened his home to us by throwing us a BBQ where we got to meet the English Staffords! Uncle John and Aunt Jane drove 50 miles to see us. Del's two daughters, Debbie and Kim and their husbands, Danny and Davey also joined. Cate, Jon and Sophie were pleased to meet their extended family (can't recall the proper order - Debbie and Kim are Robb's cousins. Their children would be what to CaJoSo? Second cousins?) No matter - the kids didn't care about nomenclature. They were just excited to see Ellis again (he visited Canada this May) and meet Abby for the first time. Robb has looked forward to going to Top of ... read more
Bomb's Away
Dancing Debbie
Abby and Uncle Del

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Kent » Dover September 2nd 2011

We decided to walk Brighton beach early before being on our way to Dover. We enjoyed the tide coming in and searched for unique shells and stones. Such an old area of growth, so many structures around which lost use 100's of years ago but still exist. On the road again, we thought we'd stay off the motor way and take the scenic route. More narrow roads and crazy steep hills, the poor diesel is really getting a workout. We've seen so many beautiful parts of England and will never get sick of it although we can't believe the number of sheep here. Some fields have thousands of them. We stopped at the water edge at Dymchurch. This is another town of rich history. It also has a 4 mile long wall along the English Channel ... read more
White Cliffs and the Castle Dover
Tide coming in

Europe » United Kingdom » England August 31st 2011

Second day of our stay in Torquay, we explored Kent's cavern - the oldest homosapien cave in England. Sophie was too scared and bolted just after the tour started. She stayed outside while the rest of us enjoyed a pretty cool hour long tour that showed the inside of a cave with the oldest proof of human existence in England. You can't tell from the photo here but Cate and Jon are in front of pretty amazing stalagmites and stalactites - some as old as 64,000 years ago. We also did a drive through Cockington (Jon liked to say the name over and over again). It's a pretty park with an english cottage and park as well as area for local artists to sell their wares. We have never seen such narrow streets. Roads right up ... read more
View from Paignton
Shell hunting on Torquay beach while tide is low

Europe » United Kingdom » England August 29th 2011

Left London Sunday morning to head to Bath and kick off the roadtrip portion of our trip. We stopped at Stonehenge along the way. It's surreal seeing something so historical and considered a wonder of the world, in real life. The countryside around it is breathtaking so there's more to see than just the stones. We arrived in Bath Sunday afternoon. Beautiful, old English town. But we had Mexican food for dinner! It was great. Two for one PITCHERS of cocktails (we had 4!) and the best cheesecake we've ever had. Monday morning, we decided to do as the Romans did in 800 AD ... took a bath in Bath! There are three spas in Bath that take advantage of the healing power of natural mineral springs in the area. Never swam in warm mineral water ... read more
Taking a stroll in Bath
Best cheesecake
Roman bath

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Staffordshire » Stafford August 27th 2011

Picked up the rental car today after doing a tour of Euston station. BTW, if you're renting a car from Avis and the address says Euston station, it's NOT in Euston station. It's down the road next to a sex shop. Obviously! Robb was somewhat worried to drive on the wrong side but managed to figure out how to make car move forward. An amazing feat considering gear shift only has three settings - R, N and A. He mastered the roundabout and was officialy inaugurated as a driver in England by getting honked at three times within an hour span. We decided to do day trip into Staffordshire which is 225 km north of London. We drove through Birmingham ... it's very much like Cleveland we all thought - working town, not much going on ... read more
Heading to Staffordshire
Home of the Soup Kitchen
Scary pub

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