Page 3 of Josh1990 Travel Blog Posts

Africa » Ethiopia » Amhara Region » Gondar December 18th 2015

18/12/15 Kick off our Simien trek with a drive to Debark and meet (Josi) Joshua our guide & Sanet our scout. Start our trek at 4000 meters and reach first camp by 5pm. Day 2 cover 10 miles and camp above a hill, learn how cold the nights are! Day 3 11 miles, day 4 11 miles, day 5 drop further into the lowlands with its fascinating agricultural landscape and large community, covering 9 miles. Day 6 cover 9 miles again before reaching our final camp/private farmyard paddock with with livestock inside a small village. 24/12/15 walk 5 miles to the nearest town to catch our return van to Gondar. A brilliant week minus some frosty cold nights and blisters for me. Lots of birds & vultures spotted, Ethiopian Wolf, impressive Ibex, other deers, Gelada, vervet ... read more

Africa » Ghana » Greater Accra December 11th 2015

11/12/15 we travel to our canopy walkway at National Park, a cool structure & fairly easy place to get cool photos, my foh meant I wimped out of going no hands for very long. no animals sighted, nor birds, only Danish women. Drive onto our camp in the grounds of a prespetarion church in Koumassi. 12/12/15 Next morning head out to the cultural centre, despite a cool little museum of the Ashanti people's most other workshops were closed on a Saturday hah. I spend the remainder of the daytime in Koumassi's huge market (largest in WA), most of which is rooted on the old train station its tracks. Anything from truck springs, bananas & panties to leopard skins & monkey skulls. Go out that evening with Adam & Mike to Vienna City, chain of bar/club. Next ... read more

Africa » Cote d'Ivoire » South » Abidjan December 7th 2015

Visit Abidjan cathedral, sort of in the shape of a suspension bridge, swing by the area where a lot of the city's Laundry is done in a local river, around 40 men pounding and slapping clothes into the water & over old tyres. 08/12/15 head to Grand Bassam Beach and camp at Drogba Beach; a simple beach resort. Next day take a stroll to the old colonial capital to see the interesting if not deteriorating old French architecture, highlight being the fishing village at the end of town with some very enthusiastic crews singing French shanties whilst heaving their nets in. Cook dinner with our cook group followed by a dance performance by a local group, cool drumming, girls, spirit devil outfits and flames. 3 of us head into Grand Bassam town with the dance crew ... read more

Africa » Mali » District of Bamako December 6th 2015

02/12/15 we cover 400K and camp close to the Côte d'Ivoire Border north of Nielle, 03/12/15 some slow processing from the Ivorians after forgetting to stamp a third of the passports at immigration. Within 20 mins of clearing the border we are escorted to the local guandarmary (likely a border tip off) to check through the passenger docs, a slow 1.5 hour wait before we proceed on route via Ferkessedougou to Kohogo. 04/12/15 After staying the night at The Mount Korhogo Hotel 8 of us head out in a couple of taxis for a tour of several artisan villages in the district, including a sacrificial site which is regularly used by the local (animalistic) religious people; seemed mostly feathers but some skulls etc. After a short walk around town and its large mosque we enjoy a ... read more

Africa » Guinea » Kankan November 29th 2015

29/11/15 a drive day through the north of Guinea experiencing not only a definitive change in landscape but climate too, a dryer heat which lends to dusty dirt lifting the orange dust everywhere, it's quite invasive. During the day we travel through a small quite poor looking town district known as kemetae in which from its fort held resistance against the French 7 years after their acquisition of Guinea began. A dryer part of the country with open grassland and Savannah like bush for most with a visible upgrade in agriculture, by that I mean segregated areas for actual cropping and more livestock. We cover 260K and bush camp @ 17:00 road side in what looked to have been an area to muster to / load cows onto transit judging on all the pads. 30/11/15 we ... read more

Africa » Guinea » Kankan November 25th 2015

28/11/15 Some confusion between the directors of the chimp research centres after they appear to forget to find the chimps before we are due to set off, in due Africa time we set off an hour later to find the chimps on the move during a family dispute less than a mile from camp. Not many photo opportunities due to the thick jungle and silky chimpy gym skills but see them I did. We leave the chimps at 11 and drive for an afternoon trek to a Guinea Vine Bridge, led from a village we are guided by local Michelle, 40 mins across the customary beautiful countryside to what used to be a common sight yet due to wide spread deforestation very few bridges survive. After we head back to N'Zerekore for our nights stay in ... read more

Africa » Liberia November 25th 2015

After a long delay but finally the removal of the stuck truck the decision is made to stay at Libassa a second night to avoid another bush camp, we leave the following morning 25/11/15 on route to Kitpatwe waterfalls, after a food shop in the Monrovia suburbs named "Red Light Motor" district we join onto some wonderful roads, by which I mean Tarmac on behalf of the Chinese Gov, (part of a trade deal with Liberia) they lead us nearly the whole way to Kipatwe falls at 4pm. Time to swim & play in the water before setting up camp under some humongous trees. 26/1/15 Head straight for the Guinea Border, the whole process including 1 Liberia exit stamps, 3 Guinea outposts; military, customs and immigration takes nearly 4 hours after which we begin our journey ... read more

Africa » Liberia » Monrovia November 23rd 2015

Sadly we had not yet received our permit to cross the intended Guninea/ivory coast border cross and our applications were refused by the ambassador. This permit is only required as the border has been closed for no apparent reason, suspected political/election build up. Plan now is to use our Mali visa to go try the Ivorian embassy in Bamako and enter the Ivory Coast from Mali later in the trip. This news split opinion in the group, some certain to leave the trip as many see cote d'voire as the highlight and the most important destination. If we are refused entry to Ivory Coast full stop we shall divert around Bakina Faso instead, a potential outcome, a small but not critical disappointment for me personally it is the case. From Monrovia we spent some time to ... read more

Africa » Liberia » Monrovia November 22nd 2015

The following morning 20/11/15 we arrive at the Liberian border and take 2 hours waiting to cross. Meaning the Ivorian embassy in Monrovia is an unlikely ambition in Friday pm traffic, we divert to Robertsport, a fairly deprived yet picturesque beach district to wait until Monday for Monrovia. We spend that evening searching out food supplies and set up camp on a beach with basic facilities. The second evening myself and 6 others from the group take up the invite from a local South African guy called Jo who has more or less emigrated to Liberia with his unclear yet obviously profitable real estate empire. A lot of drinking ensued, all on the house along with food and Loud Africans party music. Jo has 20 boats aimed at sports fishing across the region, that Sunday he ... read more

Africa » Sierra Leone November 16th 2015

The next morning we head to kenema, stock up on food, fuel and water and head on route to the Liberian border. After making decent time we get stuck shortly after Zimmi ( a large village), we make food and after late evening attempts we sleep and negotiate a price with the owner of a crane truck in Zimmi ( fairly obvious he has is hands in illegal mining, quite a sketchy crew) after being towed out we continue toward the border on poor roads until reaching the last main obstpacle on the route; a steep soaking wet mud hill with no chance of us getting up. A local lad had build a bypass, and took payment for trucks to use, a great guy, his bypass was a lot better but still proved too steep and ... read more

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