Page 2 of Home and Away Travel Blog Posts

This is the first of two blogs about our trip to California for my son Will and daughter in law Mercy's wedding. Our daughter Rosanna suggested that we join her family, Evan and grand children Connor and Logan for a mini vacation in San Diego before going to the wedding venue in Temecula. Of course, we agreed as we wanted to spend quality time with each member of our family, which is so often lost when there is a large gathering. 15 May 2022 Sunday. This was our travel day. Flying in this day and age is so miserable with delays and full flights. This was to be no exception. While waiting in line to board the flight from Colorado Springs to Denver, where we would catch a connecting flight to San Diego, an announcement was ... read more
Grannie giving Logan a backrub
Evan, Rosanna, Linda, Connor and Logan at the San DIego Zoo
Logan at the San DIego Zoo

This is the second blog of a two blog series about searching for our colonial ancestors during a visit to New England and the Mid-Atlantic States. I recommend that you start by reading the first blog at . Before recounting our visits to ancestral sites a little background is necessary. I thought that I would try to follow the various branches of our family tree from the beginnings at the ports founded on the Delaware River, as they would merge with other branches in the westward migration across Pennsylvania. I selected my Ross ancestors as the main family to which other would intermarry. I did so because the Ross family of my great grandmother, Anna Elizabeth Ross, can be traced directly, without going through spouses, to the progenitor, Sir Farquhar MacTaggart (Mac an t-Sagairt Ó Beólláin), ... read more
Immanuel Episcopal Church, New Castle, DE
Immanuel Episcopal Church, New Castle, DE
Interior of Immanuel Episcopal Church, New Castle, DE

North America » United States » Connecticut » Ridgefield April 29th 2021

For those who have been following my travel blogs, you will be aware of my trips in search of ancestors (see and ). This theme gives me a personal perspective on the towns I visit and gets me off the tourist trail with its crowds and check off lists. In preparing for our trip to visit locations of our Scottish ancestors, and given the Covid-19 related lock-downs that lasted over a year, I had plenty of time to do a deep dive on Linda's and my ancestors going back five hundred years and more. I currently have almost 10,000 ancestors in our tree, and that is mostly the direct bloodline without aunts, uncles and cousins other than recent generations. In doing so, I was able to identify many ancestors who immigrated to the North American colonies ... read more
Plymouth Plantation
Plymouth Plantation re-enactors

North America » United States » California » Santa Ana August 15th 2020

On 27 Jan 2020 stories were coming out of Wuhan, China about a new virus that had locked down the city. We have friends Tom and Wendy; Wendy was the first Consul General after the U.S. opened the Consulate in Wuhan following its closure during the Communist revolution in 1949. I read that the U.S. government was evacuating the U.S. consulate staff so wrote to them "I bet you are happy not to be in Wuhan now! I hear the consulate is evacuating U.S. employees. When you were stationed in Guangzhou during the SARS epidemic in 2003, you were quarantined there for months. Times are changing." Little did I know at the time how much times were a changing! The world shut down, travel between countries was banned, and my plans for international travel in 2020 ... read more
Mesa Arch in Canyonlands NP
Bryce Canyon NP
Zion NP

May 2019 was my last overseas find ancestors in Devon, England (see ) and to walk the Old Way Pilgrim route to Canterbury (see ). In October 2019 I wrote a Planning blog about a trip to Scotland I hoped to visit in September 2020 (see ). Covid-19 deferred that trip for a year. Since May 2019 I have taken a couple of road trips, but nothing deemed worthy enough at the time for a blog. However, with Covid-19 affecting everyone's travel plans I thought I must write about what visits I've done in the last year. Prior to my trip to England in March I flew to South Carolina for a week long reunion with my three sisters. We promised to get together every few years after our Mom died in 2016, and this ... read more
July 2019 Visit to Laguna Beach
July 2019 Visit to Laguna Beach
July 2019 Visit to Laguna Beach

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Kent » Canterbury May 6th 2019

As explained in my blog the purpose of my trip to England was twofold; firstly, to discover my maternal ancestry in Devon and secondly to walk the last few miles of the Old Way Pilgrimage to Canterbury. This blog covers the second of these two purposes. 1 - 5 May 2019 Wednesday through Sunday. I arrived on a flight from Denver to Heathrow at about noon and was met by nephew Jeremy. We had just a few minutes before he had to return to London for a meeting. We had coffee and talked about his and Nadine's forthcoming trip to Chile and Easter Island and my plans for my time in England. He has accepted an assistant professorship in Economics at Bristol University in the fall, and his wife Nadine, who is a doctor, will be ... read more
Memories of staying at the White Swan in Stratford with Linda in 1974
Avon River with Shakespeare Theater in the background

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Devon » Exeter May 1st 2019

This is a story of my maternal ancestors. Prior to visiting Devon the first week of May 2019, I had populated my maternal ancestry family tree back to 1103 and then to 240 AD (see prior blog at ). According to "The Baronetage of England" in that year, "Galfridus (Latin for Geoffrey) Miles (Knight) had his seat at Northcote, in the parish of East Down in Devonshire (north of Barnstable, Devon), and that John Fritz-Galfrid (Fritz meaning the son of) held divers lands there, and in the hundreds (a subdivision of a shire which had its own court) of Witheridge, North Tauton, Black Torrington, etc. He changed his name to John Northcote. Galfrid de Northcote (John's son) lived in 1188, and held lands in Colstan, in the Witheridge hundred." According to the family history written by ... read more
Rachel and me at the Devon Heritage Center
Bishops reports of baptisms, marriages, and burials at the Devon Heritage Center
Northcote Manor

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Devon » Exeter April 12th 2019

At the beginning of each year I look at my wish list of destinations and then decide, based upon circumstances, where to spend my two or three week vacation time abroad. Linda and I will take separate vacations for the fourth year in a row as one of us has to stay home to take care of our dog Bonnie. Linda will take her three weeks or more to visit family in PA and CT after I get back. On 1 Feb I bought a ticket from Denver to London and return to JFK for $368.43...cheaper than flying R/T from Denver to the East Coast! This year I plan to take my vacation in three parts: starting on 30 April, the day after Linda's birthday, I will fly from Denver to London. Once in England I ... read more
Norman Keep
Wells Cathedral
Kent Countryside on the way to Canterbury

Asia » Thailand » Central Thailand » Bangkok March 26th 2019

As I approached the tenth anniversary of my Travelblog membership, I thought I should commemorate the occasion. After much thought I decided to write a Travelblog re-living my travels. As I've written 244 blogs, this being 245, with about 286,000 words (the equivalent of four novels) and 7000 pictures covering the years from 1949 to the present, I knew that summarizing my life of travel would be a daunting task. I figured that a picture was worth a thousand words, so I decided to write a pictorial blog summarizing these years. Little did I know how difficult it would be to cull down 7000 pictures to the 121 pictures in this blog. By the time I arrived at our move to Germany in August 1977, I knew I had reached the limit of what my dear ... read more
My first Round the World Trip
My first Round the World Trip
My first Round the World Trip

Europe » Italy » Lazio » Rome September 10th 2018

For the third year in a row I walked a pilgrim trail. My blogs for the Camino de Santiago in 2016 start with . For four weeks I walked across northern Spain in the footsteps of Roman legions, the early apostles James and Paul, and a million or more pilgrims since then. The movie "The Way" had inspired this pilgrimage as I yearned for the same bonding that took place between the four pilgrims. On my pilgrimage I met and talked to many pilgrims; forming a loose knit family along the way. I was not drawn to this pilgrimage to earn the Compostela, or the certificate for those who walk the last 100 km, which isn't even mentioned in the movie. I only found our about the Compostela when I started researching for the pilgrimage. As ... read more
Venice - Rialto Bridge

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