Page 5 of AlreadyPacked Travel Blog Posts

South America » Chile December 16th 2016

Geo: -42.48, -73.77We've had two full days of fairly rough sea and foggy and rainy weather on Wednesday and Thursday before returning inland from the Pacific Ocean. Sometime during dinner yesterday, the ride smoothed out, and we could see mountains on both sides of the ship. On Wednesday, I went up to the Observation Lounge when the Expedition Crew members were there looking for wildlife. They spend several hours every day stationed at points around the ship to look for animals and to talk to guests. Rachel identified all of the animals that I had taken photos of but didn't recognize. A pamphlet with the most common animals seen in Antarctic and southern South America was distributed to each room near the beginning of the cruise. There were a few animals that just didn't look like ... read more
Palafitos--Traditional Houses on Stilts
Colorful Houses Are Everywhere
Iglesia Nuestra Señora de Gracia de Nercón

South America » Chile December 13th 2016

Geo: -53.1479, -70.9303This morning, we were up and ready to go long before the ship was in position in the bay in front of Punta Arenas, Chile. It has taken a little longer than the captain anticipated yesterday. And we are at anchor rather than at the dock as I expected. There is no more room at the pier. This is a bigger city than Ushuaia, but it is not very touristy. There are oil platforms in the water not too far off shore. While we were out today, we saw the Holland America Zaandam in port at the far eastern end of the city. By 11:30, the ship had cleared customs and the dock was set up for the tender service. We were on the first tender ashore. Taking another Seabourn tour, we went to ... read more
Punta Arenas, Chile
Nao Victoria Museum
At the Nao Victoria Museum

South America » Argentina December 12th 2016

Geo: -54.79, -68.31This morning we had an early alarm set to be up and ready for our tour meeting on the dock at 7:45. Looking outside, we could see fresh snowfall on the nearby mountain. We have been warned that it will be cold and windy today, so we have layered up again. We took the "Train to the End of the World" tour. First stop was the Maritime Museum which is located in the old prison. Ushuaia was the location where Argentina sent its worst criminals. The city built up around the prison with only prisoners, guards, and the families of the guards living here for a long time. Prisoners were sent here before all the facilities were ready so the prisoners built their own prison. The conditions were difficult for everyone with the harsh ... read more
Museo Maritimo de Ushuaia
Museo Maritimo de Ushuaia
Museo Maritimo de Ushuaia

South America » Argentina December 11th 2016

Geo: -54.79, -68.31After a long trip through the Drake Passage, we made it to Ushuaia, Argentina this afternoon. The crossing was rough, but relatively easy compared to some Drake crossings. It was rougher on the return coming north than it was going south toward Antarctica. We arrived in the Beagle Channel sometime early this morning and docked at Ushuaia at 1 p.m. We are here a day early originally expecting to get here on Monday morning. Since we missed the port day in Stanley, we have been about a day ahead for everything. We are staying here for an unplanned overnight and will get back on schedule when we leave here tomorrow afternoon. Philip and I had lunch on board and walked off the ship around 3:30 to look around the town. The local tourist information ... read more
Argentinean Navy in Port at Ushuaia
Ushuaia, Argentina
Ushuaia, Argentina

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis December 10th 2016

Geo: -59.6, -64.1999... read more

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis December 9th 2016

Geo: -62.5933, -60.0183This was our last day in Antarctica. By early afternoon, we were headed back toward the Drake Passage. This morning, the Zodiac landings started very early—5 a.m. for the first group. The captain had made arrangements with another ship in the area to share the landing site with us going early and the other ship stopping there after we left. Yesterday, Iggy said that even though the ships are competitors when it comes to booking passengers, they work well together once they are in Antarctica and cooperate to share space and times for landings. Our purple group was fourth today making our time for a Zodiac landing at 9:30, a very respectable hour. We have been lucky with most of the timings of our group's landings. We were parked in Half Moon Bay to ... read more
View from Our Verandah
View from Our Verandah -- Passengers Landed
View from Our Verandah

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis December 8th 2016

Geo: -63.3951, -56.7309Today started with an announcement from the "disembodied voice on the bridge" saying that we had made it to our stopping point for today much earlier than anticipated. It was 7:30 a.m. Yesterday, the captain said that we should arrive in Hope Bay on the Antarctic Sound about 10 and would start Zodiac tours of the bay at approximately 11. Since our group was the first group to go out today, we were happy to have the late start. When the captain, then later the expedition team leader, made the early announcements this morning, we just were not ready to get up and face the cold ride. We passed on the Zodiac tour and watched the Adelie penguins swimming and porpoising from our warm suite. A side note on the “disembodied voice from the ... read more
View from Our Verandah
Adelie Penguins on Ice Floe
Adelie Penguins on Ice Floe

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis December 7th 2016

Geo: -64.8236, -62.8581We have arrived! After days at sea passing through some rough and raging areas as well as, thankfully, mostly calm and friendly waters, we have made it to the continent. I could say that we have stepped onto our seventh continent of Antarctica, but that would be way too simplistic for the process involved. We took a Zodiac over to the Gonzalez Videla Base, a Chilean research station and inactive naval base now manned by Air Force personnel, on the Antarctic mainland at Waterboat Point in Paradise Bay. When the Zodiac pulls up to disembark passengers, they have a few different ways to do it. This time the boat headed straight in to nose its bow up on a rocky point. The passengers, one at a time, slid up the side of the boat ... read more
Base Gabriel González Videla at Waterboat Point
Bergie Bits
Near Waterboat Point

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis December 6th 2016

Geo: -64.7975, -63.4461We tried to sleep late again but were awakened when Iggy came on the public address system to talk about the day's activities. We went to sleep planning to have a scenic cruise in the Zodiac near Torgensen Island. Iggy says the weather there is not good so we have stopped in the Neumayer Channel and will have zodiac landings today on Wiencke Island at Damoy Point near several Gentoo penguin rookeries and a British research station hut. It snowed all morning, but the wind was very light. We watched large groups of penguins swimming and diving in the water by our ship. We also saw two other ships today. One was a tall-masted sailing ship, the Spirit of Sydney, very near the aft of our ship. The other was another cruise ship. It ... read more
Gentoo Penguin
Gentoo Penguins
Gentoo Penguins

Oceans and Seas » Atlantic » Atlantis December 5th 2016

Geo: -64.8407, -63.0662This morning we woke up to the captain's voice over the intercom saying that we were not able to go to Cuverville Island after all because of bad weather there. We were in Paradise Harbour, but were not sure at that time if anyone would be able to get off the ship. As it turned out, they allowed the Zodiacs to take passengers out for a cruise, but would not make any landings. With snow falling and the sky overcast, Philip and I decided to forego the Zodiac tour and stay on the ship. The people we saw returning from the tour said it was fun but very cold. We took the opportunity to sleep late, enjoy lunch in the Colonnade, and listen to a lecture on how climate change is affecting the penguins ... read more
Paradise Harbour
Paradise Harbour
Sea at Paradise Harbour

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