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Asia » Thailand
April 10th 2010
Published: April 13th 2010
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 Video Playlist:

1: Elephants like bananas 20 secs
Landing in Bangkok was like hitting a wall of heat and humidity, we were pleased to find the sanctuary of an air conditioned bus. Unfortunately it wasn't long before we had arrived at the famous Khaosan road. This area has become a 'backpacker ghetto' - full of shops selling every conceivable backpacker item from paintings to pirated CD's, DVD's, and second-hand books. Our first day was spent in search of some kind of Thai flavour which certainly wasn't to be found around Khaosan. So we visited a couple of Temples and the Grand Palace.

We then went North to Chiang Mai. We decided on the sleeper train on the basis that it could never be as slow as the ones in China. We arrived 6 hours late. Chiang Mai was a city we really liked - much less crowded than Bangkok. We did the usual tourist stuff for the area which included elephant riding, swimming in a waterfall and a visit to see one of the hill tribes. We also did a spot of white water rafting which I was enjoying until I realised half way down that I had both our passports, cash and credit cards on me and I was soaking wet. Fortunately my trusty fanny pack kept the worst of the water off.

We then headed south to Phuket which I'd describe as the Magaluf of South East Asia - I've not been there but that's how I imagine it (and Valentina was able to verify this). If anything Phuket is even more seedy due to the number of men (old westerners) wandering around with young Thai girls. We soon moved on to a place called Phang Nga Bay which is far less touristy. The bay is similar to Halong with limestone karsts on a less dramatic scale. While we were here we visited Ko Tapu which is more commonly known as James Bond island, where they filmed a scene from The Man With The Golden Gun in 1974.

Krabi was our next stop, further to the south where we spent a nice couple of days on the beach before we headed to Koh Phi Phi for more of the same. We stayed in the main town on Phi Phi, Ton Sai which was was almost completely destroyed by the Tsunami in 2004 but is now back to full health. While we were here an unfortunate incident befell Valentina, whilst enjoying our evening meal down on the beach she felt something land on her head. She immediately panicked and went to grab it to find that it was a sticky, looking down at her hand in horror she saw a cockroach scrambling about. As anyone who knows Valentina will imagine, hysteria ensued and it took me 5 minutes to calm her down and a further 5 to convince her that we didn't need to go back to our room for her to shower.

After this we headed to Malaysia.

Additional photos below
Photos: 49, Displayed: 23


18th April 2010

Hi Tina and Dan, it looks like the wildlife provide the entertainment, scares and food in Thailand! Can't imagine how Dan managed to cope when you received a visitor on your head a bee is enough to send you into the house here. What are all those trays of insects about? I've just been to Asda and that amount of bananas Dan fed to the elephant lasts us a week! Obviously no supply chain issues there. The beaches look really inviting as they have done where ever you seem to go - enjoy. The months are passing quickly now, but you've saved what is sure to be a great place to last. Keep in touch, I'm off for a spot of lunch before a bit of gardening- think I'll have a banana!!! xxx
19th April 2010

RE Wildlife
The trays of insects are for eating!
25th April 2010

a good laugh at Tina's expense!!
Hi both of you - i'm so sorry Tina but I couldn't stop laughing at the cockroach scene - Grandma had her head in her hands and felt very sorry for you. She didn't think it was quite as funny as I did!! The tray of insects looks really appetising - perhaps you could bring some home for us to sample!!!!! The video looks funny but I have no sound so I have to imagine you laughing but that's not difficult cos your mum says you sound just like me - you poor thing. See you soon lots of luv Georgina and Grandma xxxxxxxxxxx

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