Dining in Style - Bangkok

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November 14th 2009
Published: November 24th 2009
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A quick stop over in Bangkok en route to and from Cambodia!
Huge developments in the last 12 years since we were last there! Not least a very smart new airport and a sprawling backpacker area which we found ourselves in on the first night.
Headed straight to the border the next day so didn't fully appreciate the city but time wasn't on our side.
On the way back we managed to meet up with George and Jib for an amazing meal on the 17th floor of one of the new (and many shopping centres). The food was excellent (as chosen by Jib) and views even better - Bangkok is huge.
Unfortunately the shops had closed by the time we finished but we did manage to by a T-shirt from one of the markets lining the streets.
Back to the hotel for our early start and epic journey home through Bahrain.
Definately a place to go back to and explore firther (shop) but that will have to wait for another time.

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Now sprawling and a bit like the costa del sol

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