My New Friend, Kimchi

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January 2nd 2012
Published: January 2nd 2012
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Kimchi visits Ace HallKimchi visits Ace HallKimchi visits Ace Hall

The HAFS teachers' new pal, visiting us on the 6th floor. you're probably thinking that Kimchi is a bit weird for a name. In Korean, kimchi means pickled cabbage. Kimchi is actually the national food of Korea, and there is a whole museum devoted to it. Check out their website for more info.

Anyways, my friend Kimchi is actually a stray cat. A few nights ago, my friend Ryan brought Kimchi into our dorm...or rather, Ryan claimed that Kimchi followed him in. I believe this, now that I've seen Kimchi follow me outside (like Mary Had a Little Lamb). All of us teachers were very thrilled to hear about our special visitor. We decided to name the cat Kimchi in honour of Korea's national food. We all got some time to cuddle and play with Kimchi before Teresa brought him back outside.

I've seen Kimchi a couple times since. Actually, I've heard Kimchi before I've seen him. He has a good set of lungs, that's for sure. For a stray cat, he is very friendly. He's also been a good conversation starter with some Korean students. While visiting with Kimchi today, he came right on my lap as soon as I sat down, wanting to be pet. I kept trying
Cuddle Time?Cuddle Time?Cuddle Time?

Kimchi and I cozying up outside this afternoon.
to get photos, but he was far too fascinated with being loved more than posing for the camera.


2nd January 2012
Cuddle Time?

You can't bring Kimchi back with you, first off you would have to hide him/her in your back pack to see if he/she travels well (if he/she is anything like Pooters was he/she most likely is) then try and sneak it into all the different countries you plan on hitting when your done there. Cool colored eyes though huh?,lol thought I would spell the word correctly for you, ha ha in all honesty I think it should be spelled the american way anyway! Lots of Love Honey to you and could have called him/her "Hello Kitty" like all the chinlea do here, as we got a picture of this green cat that is missing that sort of looks like that older larger Grey male thats been around all summer but this one is new I think, hope they find him before Willey the Coyote does! Love Ya

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