Greetings from South Korea!

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December 28th 2011
Published: December 28th 2011
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Ready for Take-Off!Ready for Take-Off!Ready for Take-Off!

Griff and I awaiting to leave Toronto on our way to Vancouver.
Hello everyone from South Korea! I was hoping to publish a blog entry before I left Toronto, but didn't quite get that far with Christmas and last minute stuff.

I arrived at Pearson around 5:45am or so Monday morning after a very important final Tim Hortons run. Luggage check-in was a snap. My luggage was heavier than I anticipated though - 38lb. No issue at all, I was just hoping to pack lighter! Griff and I hung out with Michelle and my family until we had to go through security. They all get life points for getting up super early on a holiday. Security was also quick and simple. An airport worker let us know about an additional security checkpoint downstairs from the main one, and we sailed through. Well, I did. Griff set off the metal detector. :p We had about an hour before we boarded the plane, but we met up with a few of the other teachers we'd met at the Toronto orientation the week before.

It was about five hours from Toronto to Vancouver. I was pretty fidgety, watching TV, doing puzzles, etc. I was in the middle seat for both flights. In Vancouver, we
It's a Long Way to KoreaIt's a Long Way to KoreaIt's a Long Way to Korea

A map of our flight from Vancouver to Seoul.
basically had long enough to bolt for food and drink (Tim's was too busy, so I hit Starbucks).

Vancouver to Seoul was about eleven hours. I was surprisingly less fidgety on this flight than I was going to Vancouver. I fell asleep a couple times watching movies, caught up on Big Bang Theory, rediscovered Rick Mercer and listened to music. The meals were...disappointing. I forgot to pre-order vegetarian meals, so I was fairly limited.

Arrival Security and Customs were also surprisingly easy. We had to take a subway-like train to arrivals. After we picked up luggage, we went out and met our ride. We took a ghetto bus to Yongin, which was about an hour and a half from the airport.

Stay tuned for my next entry, which will feature my first night in Yongin, Pizza School and frigid temperatures!


29th December 2011

Route maps for anywhere in the world email--
This was so cool to get this in the timely fashion that it did, mind you it would have been better to have had it sooner that way you could plan which direction to go and when. This site is so neat it has air/rail/driving/ and even a booking calendar that shows you which airlines fly where and when and even how much it isn't that cool everything in one neat package. Hope it helps in your decisions as to which way your coming or going. Gotta Love the School of Pizza, I know I have it backwards but it's funnier this way. Enjoy the people my BG and you will find things becoming easier by the day, don't forget to smile they are not used to Love Ya Daddio

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