'Best School Ever' Video

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May 27th 2010
Published: May 27th 2010
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A few weeks back my branch school, Doochang Elementary was filmed by a Korean Television Network called 'EBS' I think it's Education Broadcasting System. It's all in Korean so you won't understand a lick the dialogue but the video shots will speak for themselves.
A few things to pay attention to:
-Notice the physical affection the teachers display to the students. Although it's utterly harmless, this wouldn't fly in the states without future sexual harassement allegations..
-Notice the huge LCD TV's along with the traditional chalkboards. Many things in Korea make absolutely no sense to me and this is certainly one of them. At all cost do I avoid writing things on the board.
-Notice that there is only 5 teachers. With no administration lounging around, the teachers are able to focus all of their attention on the students. Many of the other adults you see are parents who help with various extra-curricular activities.

This national attention has certainly created some annimosity between the two schools, especially amongst the administration. I'm glad that I once again play the "I'm not Korean" card and avoid it all.


As you click on the video it will ask you for a login use:
ID: 21chopin
P/W: really21


30th May 2010

Can't open video
Hi Jason, I can't figure out how to navigate the page since it is all in Korean. I get stuck after I log in. Help! Anna
30th May 2010

video login
When you open the link, click on where it says '300k.' A log in should pop up. The enter the ID where it says: 아이디 and the password where it says: 패스워드. Then just click on the orange login button. The video should automatically come up but if it does not then find the video that is dated 05.21.10 the title for the video is: 아이들은 놀기 위해 세상에 온다 용인 두창분교 방기정 Hope this helps

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