Arrival to South Korea

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Asia » South Korea » Suwon
August 16th 2009
Published: August 16th 2009
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Hi everybody!

As you can see I arrived safely in South Korea... as some of you already know I was lucky enough to be upgraded from Economy to Prestige Class so I had a pretty good and comfortable flight experience 😊 ...on arrival I was welcomed by some Talk Coordinators who directed to the meeting point at the airport to which I went after exchanging my pounds for Won (for the first time I was holding 6digit sum of money in my hand :D).
It took about 1 and a half hours to get from Incheon Airport to Kyong Hee University in Suwon where we then checked in and got our magnetic room keycards.

On our first night I went out the campus to check some bars with John, my roommate, and our next door neighbors David and Jared. As John is actually american-korean and the other two are like half and a quarter or something like that, they all had some kinda clue of how korea is ..and then there is me with no clue for the first time of how things are and only being able to say Hi in korean.. it's cool tho, excpt for the weather.. it's hot here and humid which is a bit annoying but still better than freezing ur ass off I guess..

Yesterday we went into Seoul for a couple of hours, had some food and then head back to Suwon for a couple of drinks and then back into our dorms for some food.. we got like 7/11 thats open allday allnight which is quiet cool especially when ur having jetlag and stay up til like 7 in the morning after sleeping for a hour and then practice capoeira at like 5am til 6am cos u cant sleep..

Anyway today I woke up at like 4pm, due to jetlag as it is 8am back in the UK, but still went out into the town with David to buy some stuff.. on the way there we met these two Bermudians, Sionna & Paulina, who we approached and then ended up showing us around HomePlus and the going out strips.. probably meet up with them this week before we leave to our POEs

btw its full of americans here and so far havent met any brits.. we'll see tomorrow tho when we start the classes and get to meet everybody else as we are latecomers ..not really bothered bout brits but being surrounded by amis makes me feel like im in some kinda movie, nahmean..

Ok Im feelin some luv-me-long-time noodles from the 24hours so laters..


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