Tippany-Teacher's Rainy Day Adventure

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July 25th 2008
Published: July 25th 2008
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Wow, what a day. What a week! Between trying to make up study guides and trying to evaluate students after only two weeks of teaching, this week has been very busy. I usually get off at 9, but today it was 10:45. I was doing student evaluations.

I feel guilty because my plan was to go into work early in order to work on them before school, but when I woke up this morning I decided I really didn't want to. I was actually ten minutes late to work. When I finished my student evaluations, which were mostly, let's face it, generic and contrived, I realized that Rina (my boss' wife) and her son Paul, and her niece were all waiting for me so that they could leave. I still feel awful about that.

It rained most of the day today, and when I left it was no exception. However, it wasn't raining when I left for work, so I didn't bring an umbrella. I got soaked on the way home. I was wearing my jeans and they were as heavy as they would have been if I had just pulled them out of the washing machine. my face was dripping. My hair was soaked, and my fingers were pruny.

As I walked along I passed all these people with umbrellas. I didn't pass a single person who was walking around without one. I felt their eyes burning into me. I had become the 'stupid foreigner' who didn't bring an umbrella when it was raining and was now a bedraggled mess. I came home and washed the dirt off my legs, but now I'm feeling a little sick. Can you really get sick when you get soaked in the rain? I guess time will tell...


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