Sok'Cho & Sorak-san Mountain

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Asia » South Korea » Sokcho » Seoraksan
June 20th 2007
Published: August 7th 2007
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Hello all,

So, after a brief dilemma with the TravelBlog site (and having lost and having to repost the pictures on many of our blogs!), we're finally back in business. This blog is about a road trip we took back in June with Ben & Kim to Mt. Sorak and Sok'Cho Beach!

We started off one morning on our drive to Sok'Cho that was supposed to only be 5-6 hours, and ended up being a lot longer because we took the wrong route. We were going through curvy backroads and going up & down mountains so steep, we didn't think our little car would make it at times! We finally arrived in the late afternoon, and began looking for a cheap love motel to stay in. As you can see by the picture, we picked the "loudest" one - complete with castle-like architecture and painted in bright colors! Once getting settled in, we hung out on Sok'Cho Beach for a little while, and then went to have dinner. Luckily we found a nice little dok galbi place, unluckily they put live octopus in there with the chicken as well.... ONLY in Korea! We finished the night off with drinks and some billiards along the beach.

The next day we got an early start, so that we could spend as much time at Sorak-San National Park before it began to rain! We ended up getting a few good hours of hiking and cable car-riding before it really started to pour. The highlight of the hike for Larry was this huge rock that you could get rocking a little bit if you pushed really hard...Larry got it moving on his own, and so he was really proud of his rock-moving abilities! 😊 The highlight of the hike for the rest of us was having lunch at Pizza Hut afterwards! Yummy!!

Well, that's all for now! Stay tuned for more...

Larry & Melanie

Korean for the Day: Onulbbame Hanguk umshigul tushigessumnikka? - "Would you like to eat Korean food tonight?"
...I think you all know the answer to that one! 😊

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